From: (Christopher John Cunliffe) Subject: Fw: [PORC]: Fire and Ice By the look on Tenaka's face Pilar assumed this was no time to be slow. She still wondered why she was here. But as with everything in her life, she assumed the reason would soon present itself. Either that or that silly old mage would figure out how he screwed up and teleported her here. After a bit of pondering Pilar noticed Mea shooting through the window after the others and shouting back to her, 'Wake up, we gotta move.' Kicking herself, Pilar ran after her, stopping only to shut the Window behind her. Pilar definitely didn't like the look she'd seen in Tenaka's eyes when he stood up again. 'Now what'd we do?' she wondered aloud. She didn't think it was that loudly, but Tenaka heard her and spun around to face her. She was more than ready. She'd given more than one tongue lashing to her foes. Pilar didn't take Tenaka as a foe, but she didn't fully trust him yet either. 'If you intend to go racing off you might care to take us with you,' she continued, 'And furthermore don't you go thinking we can't protect ourselves, I'm more worried about you protecting yourself.' Pilar's green eyes flared. If anyone had been listening closely enough they would have heard a faint growl. Adjusting the ring on her finger she waited on Tenaka's response.