Eventually, after a variety of spells came and went I settled on invisibility, no sooner thought of and cast, ........... when all hell broke loose, the bookcase that Pilar had so thoughtfully placed in front of the door, went flying while the door it self shattered in to a thousand pieces, Tenaka, Twilight and Pilar turned as if one and proceeded at full speed to make mincemeat out of the intruders (intruders?) leaving J'layah with the Mage and that huge Katana, which I'm sure must be getting heavy by now, even though it seem to be leaning quite uncomfortably against the Mage's Adam's Apple. By the cacophony of sounds coming from the door the "battle" was well under way and considering that the "Three" where still standing and holding their own plus a few others, I thought it a good idea to keep an eye on the Mage, sure enough, (Geez I'll tell you, I've never seen a non sneaky Mage, must be a prerequisite for the job) the old guy started a conversation with J'layah, presumably about the soul gem as he was pointing at it, then his pointing turned a little more elaborate. Now as you probably know, I did a few years at the school of Julianos and one of the first spells you get to learn is a sleep spell, but this old man was really good, he made that sleep spell so simple and easy I nearly missed it, as it was I was nearly to late, cause I saw J'layah falling asleep and the Mage started an other Far more complicated spell, however in the middle of the chanting He all of a sudden shut up, at this time I decided that I really didn't wanna find out what sort of Magicka was gonna turn loose, so I quickly sneaked (huh, mages aren't the only ones) up to him and let Sacre Noir drink and talking about drinking, by Dibella, that Mage was stoked with Magicka, it felt like I was floating and could carry the World on my shoulders, I actually had to pull Sacre Noir out of the Mage by force, cause it wouldn't let go, so putting one elegant Elven boot on the not so elegant Mages back I jerked and out she came, luckily Al'ali's robe was a burgundy red and I do detest red and brocade to boot sorta speak, I wiped my trusty companion on the robe, looked up and saw three faces that seem to say " I thought you where just a pretty face" . Shrugging my shoulders I said " Who Me?" and directed their attention to J'layah who was doing a hell of an impersonation of some one sleeping and said "Perhaps one of you could throw a bucket of water over sleeping beauty there? Now is not a good time for a nap, methinks." Looking down at the now forever sleeping Mage I saw the core of an apple sticking outta his mouth, a slow smile spread across my face as I put two and two together and got a Khajit with a sly smile on his face, I ruffled Skeetr's hair and told him that we make a good team " What say I find you another apple?" and got the best reward a person can get a enthusiastically smiling young Boy.