Breaking of Wills The robed figure let loose a cold laughter. It was nearly enough to break Cromm's resolve. "Yes," the Master said, "stay where you are." He brought his keen eyes to bear on the warmage. "And as for you, the Blood!" He spoke another tongue, yet the meaning of his words was clear. He held out his hand and stepped closer to the Heart. +++++++++++ Balefire stood firm, unflinching, his face set in such a mask of sternness as to give a daedra lord pause. The Werre were taught, their sinews straining against bunched muscles. It was all they could do to stay their weapons. Alduin had picked up his instruments and made a few tentative scratchings, almost apologetically. The dry sound was too much for him, and he began committing to memory what he could bear to look upon. "The Blood is not yours to take." The warmage's words rang hard through the hall. "Your evil has come to an end, Dark One. The Heart will be destroyed and you with it! We have endured your machinations long enough, and those others to whom you have dealt harm cry out for revenge! You sit here, a great spider in your web of darkness, spreading your threads across the land, but now the sun has come in, and you will be pierced in its light." The Master stood stiff, the very caracature of Balefire's words, unmoving in the ruddy light of the Heart. But in his stillness, menace crouched, a brooding cloud. Now that cloud grew, and for a moment, the steady fire of the ruby was dimmed. The figure seemed to loom up, filling the hall's darkness with itself. "Do not pretend to threaten me!" The voice boomed from above. "I am the Last and First of the Council, Veer'Shule Hhaathra! Forsoth Aynastar was an elder in the Horned Council, and his son, Tol'Arigrim, groomed me to cause the rebirth of the Council. I am the Chosen, the Forebearer! I have waited many lives of men for my time. I have the Heart!" His voice had risen to a near-scream, piercing the air as shrilly as a wight. The great shadow that was the Master bent itself over the party. The voice came again, low and heavy. "Give me the Blood." Loriella could almost taste the tension between the men. Now the strong tang of iron washed her mouth, and she discovered she had been biting her cheek. She gave it no thought and went on biting. She had drawn her short sword, but had no idea what to do with it. Here was something she had no experience with. Dealing with Black Overlords with Immeasurable Power and Grand Delusions were the things heroes did. Right now, she felt rather small and unimportant. She shrank behind a column. She was only vaguely aware that the fearless scribe had joined her. Balefire laughed. It came from the belly, whole and loud. However, the sound was not jovial by any means. "Give me the Heart, black mage. To join the two would be folly. No one would control the being thus released. It would consume you." The brooding shadow collapsed back into the narrow robed figure, and the red light shone forth again from the Heart. This was an incredible relief to the khajiit, but for Balefire, the challenge had now been joined. Where the threatening vagueness of the shadow had been, there now was the cutting keeness of the Master's eyes. The hall seemed to fall away, and the warmage's vision was filled with those eyes. They were terrible; two milky orbs with a golden fire burning within. Though the cataracts were thick, Balefire had the distinct sense Veer had sight surpassing the sharpest hawk. Those eyes were now boring into Balefire's own; gold locked with crimson. The Master had said a word, but its memory escaped Balefire. His whole world was now those golden eyes, unblinking, staring. On the edge of his perception came a voice. Elfiran was calling him as from a great distance. However, those eyes would not let him turn aside. For Elfiran, time slowed. The Master's shadow had gone, but even as it did so, the man had spoken a word. It was soft, a silky word of seduction. The Word of Power was for Balefire's ears, but still, Elfiran felt its power. For one terrible moment, his heart told him to follow every word. Give the Master the Blood. Aye, a'course! The Master wants the Blood. Let him have it. These thoughts flittered through the high elf's mind, but hard on their heels came doubt and realization. Veer'Shule is the enemy! Stay yer hand! He jerked himself from his clouded thoughts. The Master was sweetly whispering as to a fitful baby, his eyes locked with Balefire's. A cold hand gripped his heart as he saw the dusky warmage pull off the gauntlet and offer the hand with its ring. "Balefire!" His voice came out a croak. "Balefire, don't! He be clouding yer mind. Awake!" Balefire frowned. He stirred and brought down his hand, clenching it into a great fist. The first trial of wills had been decided. The warmage drew himself to his full height and opened his mouth to speak, but his tongue was stilled, for the Master swiftly stepped forward and placed his palm on the Heart. Its steady light shone through his thin skin, turning his marble hand ruby. His lips curled and his teeth flashed, but his eyes never left the warmage's. He barked a harsh Word, at once asking and commanding. Balefire stepped forward, his face twisting with an inner turmoil. Again, his hand came up, though it wavered now as two forces vied for control. Elfiran made to grab his friend's arm, but found himself immoble. Now the Master's words were not for Balefire alone, but also to the rest of them. Be quiet, serene. There is no danger! The Blood belongs to good Veer'Shule. You were merely keeping it for awhile. Return it now! Be still, the rest of you. Watch! *The Werre! Why aren't they stopping him?* thought Elfiran. He shifted his eyes, and saw that the Master's words had an effect even on the magicka- hardened men. The chords were standing out on Cromm's neck as he lifted a leg with agonizing slowness. K'tarin, too, was straining to move to Balefire, who seemed to be slowly walking as in a trance, easily outpacing them. Balefire wrestled with his own body. The Master was a puppeteer, and the warmage the marionette. There was a dull roar in his ears, drowning out all words, though the Master's lips never stopped moving. Veer'Shule's eyes rivetted his own, and between them an invisible line of fire burned. Far in the back of his mind, Balefire fought the Master's hold. The ten thousand bones about him was a defilement of the dead. What the Master was doing to him, now, was a defilement of the living. *Defilement of ME!* This thought flashed hot in his mind. Anger like that he had only rarely felt well up, and the thought fed it. Like unto a bonfire it was, growing, nearly outspending its fuel in its greedy hunger. For a moment, those milky eyes could not hold his. Balefire broke loose with a great shout. The others stirred, but Veer'Shule's spell had not been wholly broken. Cromm took a few stumbling steps forward, mouth slack and wet. He looked a rabid thing, hunched with chest heaving and fingers curled. The Blood was burning bright, matching the Heart, heat for heat, light for light. Veer'Shule grasped his mithril staff and slammed it into the ground with a white flash, his face a rictus of unmasked fury. From his eyes blazed a golden light. Now he lashed out a most powerful Word. It rang out long and stung the ears of all who heard it. It brooked no disobedience, no rebellious thoughts. To hear it was to succumb. It was Law. It was a Word of Command. The Heart flared, blotting out all shadows and creating stark new ones. Two of the Werre were brought to their knees. Cromm let fall his great-axe. The sharp clatter of ebony on bone was lost on deafened ears. Those ears were now only for the lips of the Master. Balefire gave a strained groan, and again shuffled for the Heart. Elfiran's eyes streamed with the effort to follow his friend. Their plans had fallen apart. All their labors were now for nothing. Tameriel would be undone. They had all come this far only to hand over the Blood to this Master of evil and whitness the rebirth of a terrible being, The First...the first of the Denigroth. Loriella was softly crying to herself. The second Word had been enough to cow her, but this one... She had lost control of her bladder when the stony Word rolled through the air like a great wave that washes away all resistence. She tried to withdraw into herself, but the Word would not allow it. It held her fast between retreat and action. Her mind was numb and her body trembling. She was not even aware of Alduin, laying prone beside her, eyes vacant, his breathing labored. Now Balefire was but a few paces from the Heart and ancient man. He could feel the chaotic energies whipping about the Heart. His own hand, ring on finger, felt encased in a glove of heat. Another step. The Master's eyes were wide. Anticipation, glee, fury, longing were all mingled in those dead, yet vibrant orbs. The compelling words were pouring from his lips as the dark elf's ears hearkened. Another step. The twin energies of the Heartstone and Bloodstone were mingling now. He discerned their connected nature. They were separate, yet dependant upon each other. On a level beyond perseption, the two were calling to each other. In a way, they were already joined. A dark corner of Balefire's mind stirred. One more step. The warmage gathered his mighty will, scattered to the far reaches of his being by the Word of Command. One thought was his rallying point; The Heart and Blood are connected! The barrier that made them separate entities was very thin now. A new plan slowly formed, though it was difficult to concentrate. The Word would not be gainsayed, and it was a battle to keep his mind from wandering into oblivion. Time krept. His muscles tightened. He began to take the final step. "Now now now now now!" A thousand distant voices screamed at him. Elfiran. Cromm. K'tarin. Lorialla. Alduin. J'layah. Mea. Twilight. Others. All the voices and faces of those he had ever met came to him from the mists of memory. Although he didn't know it, he whispered the word himself. <><><><><><><><><> Alduin dor Lammoth