Distaste warred with desperation as Twilight's battlefield-honed perceptions assessed the tactical situation in the Hall of Bone. Balefire dying, almost gone, but evidently taking with him the archfoe responsible for this abomination of a hall. A monstrous *something* coalescing above their magic-suffused tableau. The parallels with the reenactment she'd seen earlier made horribly clear by the leaping, slashing figures fighting what had to be Denigroth. Denigroth who seemed to be trying to advance toward the warmage, and were barely being held in check by Elfiran and the others. A sense that reality was losing its hold on the environs, that the Art would work sporadically at best in the spell-saturated and warped hall, and that dissolution impended in the citadel... Her lightning-fast assessment made, she leaped toward the nearest group of warriors, slashing and dodging in a blur of movement, a frenzied hunting cat with cold logic barely in control of emotions she had dismissed or denied for years. Training and experience guided her body in the dance of swords, while her mind called out to her unhearing, fast-fading swordbrother. "You knew how I felt, damn you, all along, and now you die on me! 'Tis not fair, Lord Balefire!" Crouch, spin, and her sword licked out adder-quick. "You taught me so much, and kept me alive countless times, and now you find me helpless to save you." Duck, slash, recover, and she barely sidestepped the blow of a great cleaver. "I never really minded the others; I knew you had more to give than even I could take. And you never lied to me." Lunge, pierce, twist, withdraw, squat below the slash, and the wind of the passing blow caressed her tear-wet cheek. "We were a *team*, damn you, the best there ever was. You cannot mean to die without me at your side. I won't allow it, Lord Balefire!" Descending blade, sides blocked by allies, dive between the monstrousity's legs, tuck and roll, spring up and around and she beheaded the foul creature. "You always said 'Do not call me "Lord"', swordbrother, but you will always be my lord. I cannot save you, but by all the gods you affected to spurn, I shall make you a final gift of heaped corpses. And we shall see if yon red-eyed shadow cannot be sent after you as a death-gift, too." Twisting, feinting, leaping, blade darting, Twilight engaged another Denigroth, her body moved panther-like as her mind moaned in anguish. "You always counseled no regrets, old partner, old lover, and you lived as you spoke. You ask too much. Henceforth, for as long as I live, my battlecry shall be..." "Balefire!" Twilight screamed aloud, the pain-filled cry impelling her to ever-faster movement, her blade flashing and striking, tears catching the magelight where they glinted among her flying raven locks.