"J'layah! Have you the jewel we sought? Speak quickly, for if I must search for it in this, 'twould best be done immediately." The rumbling was continuous now, and the Hall shook with the crash of pillars. Part of the ceiling gave way behind them as the party rushed for the blasted doors.  A cloud of dust pursued them, and the death-groans of the disintegrating citadel sounded louder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clutching her sister's precious soul gem in one hand J'layah called out to the warmage, her voice barely audible over the rumblings. "Yes, I have it!" "Good! Then gather our comrades and let us flee this place lest it becomes our tomb!" The young elf needed no further convincing. Memories of unspeakable horrors witnessed in this cavern would be carried with her always. She ran off in search of the others, dodging chunks of fallen rock and fighting to maintain her balance on the unsteady floor.. Loriella, who'd been at J'layah's side, rushed forward to examine Alduin, concern all too evident on her face. Though he secretly enjoyed being fussed over the sage had far more important things on his mind. "My pack...my scrolls...quills," he croaked. pointing toward a teetering pillar with a trembling, bony finger. The Khajiit knew how much those scrolls meant to the old scholar. "Wait here, and I shall find them for you," she replied, all too aware that time was fast running out. She quickly found the pack where Alduin had stashed it and snatched it, narrowly avoiding a gruesome fate as the pillar crashed down beside her. J'layah had rounded up the survivors and they assembled by the pillar that had housed the heart for so long. "Comrades!" Even Balefire's voice seemed feeble in the thunderous cacophony. "We must make haste to leave this place and I fear there is not time enough to simply walk out" Tenaka stepped forward. "I could open a window to the desert...." he began. "Not a good idea." Twilight, who had been silent until now, spoke. "The window must be maintained with an uninterrupted flow of Magicka until all have safely passed through, yes?" Tenaka acquiesced and she continued. "I warrant the unfettered power released by my swordbrother -though largely dissipated- could disrupt a spell of such lengthy duration." "Why don't he just 'port us outta here?" Skeetr pointed to Balefire. "He's a god ain't he?" Despite the gravity of their situation the warmage managed to see humour in the boy's innocent observation, and he chuckled. "Nay lad, I am -and shall remain- far from godliness. As to your question...I *could* attempt such a spell, though I am loath to risk it since it requires complete focus, something I can not guarantee at this point in time." J'layah threw up her hands in despair. "Well, Either way it looks grim for us, and I feel responsible for dragging you all to your doom." Burying her head in her hands she began to weep, oblivious to the perils of falling rock and marble. "If only I had stayed at home," she lamented. " None of this would have happened. That foolish man would not have spitted himself on my sword, and we would never have met Heeram Thule, and we would..." "What did you just say?" Twilight's tone was sharp, compelling J'layah to look up at her. "I said if only I had..." "Not that self-pitying, remorseful blather,"She snapped. "What did you last say?" "You mean *before* you interrupted me? I said we would never have met Thule." "Of course!" Twilight's eyes shone bright with excitement. "The spell of summoning he gave you! You can use it to bear us safely out of here!" J'layah seemed uncertain. "But....he is dead, and I have already cast the spell once." Twilight shook her head. "It matters not a whit. The spell's anchor is an object, usually a ring or amulet imbued with a great deal of magicka, and unless the anchor has been destroyed the spell should still work...for all us.". "And what of the Werre?" Loriella's voice bore a note of desperation. "They cannot be transported by magic, as well you know." Cromm placed a gentle hand on his wife's shoulder. "We shall find a way out, but we had best leave now." As if on cue the floor began to shudder and wide cracks appeared in the vaulted ceiling, an indication the time for talking had long passed. He signalled his men to make ready for departure then turned to Balefire. "I had hoped to one day tell my grandchildren of the prophesy fulfilled, and of the Werres' reclaimed honour, but should I fail to reach the surface I charge you to tell my kin we fought bravely and died well." Balefire clasped the warrior's hand in his own. "On my honour, I swear it." The Werre and Loriella hurried through the blasted doors toward the bridge while those remaining linked hands in preparation for the spell. At first J'layah doubted she could remember the spell, her task made none the easier by the deadly hail of stone, but somehow the words formed in her mind's eye and she intoned them one by one. For a heart-stopping instant nothing happened, then the familiar disorienting pull of the teleport spell swept the companions away...to safety. As they fled the huge cavern Loriella risked a glimpse over her shoulder, in time to see the ring of comrades disappear their timely escape gladdened her heart. Now to concentrate on saving their own hides. They Approached the stone bridge and Cromm was about to set foot on it when the ground beneath their feet undulated and bucked, violently flinging everyone backwards. The tremor peaked then passed and in its wake lay nothing but destruction. As the Werre picked themselves up Loriella pointed to the bridge. A large portion of the dark span had fallen into the abyss below, cutting off their escape. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the cavern's bone freezing chill the desert's welcome heat washed over the weary comrades, driving the cold from their bodies and ice from their souls. Nearby lay the dessiccated remains of Heeram Thule, kidnapper, dark servant, now unwitting saviour. There were congratulatory hugs all 'round, after which wounds were tended with salve and bandage. Though nearly a mile distant the citadel's rumbling, quivering death throes served as a constant reminder of their ordeal. "Look!" cried Skeetr, pointing toward the distant, dying stone behemoth. "It's melting!" All eyes were drawn to the citadel, to the dark, hulking stronghold that had been the seat of power to evil forces for many generations. Indeed, the fortress appeared to be subsiding into the sands. Purged of the evil at its core the aeons old stones crumbled to dust and the desert reclaimed its own. A final sigh...a multitude of weary souls finally laid to rest...and then silence. Twilight made her way over to Balefire's side where he sat on a hillock, staring at the citadel's burial site. "Mourning the loss of the Werre, swordbrother?" she asked gently. His voice was gruff with emotion. "Aye. Though I shall honour my promise and tell Cromm's kin of their heroic deeds, 'tis an unenviable task to be the bearer of ill tidings." Sensing the warmage needed to brood alone she rejoined the others as they set up camp for the night. ------------------------------------------------------------------------