Blood-bound The water had reached her neck. She felt nothing. Cromm was awake now, and had tried freeing them from their watery grave, but could get no purchase in the tight quarters. K'tarin too had briefly tried, but he was as tired as the rest and lapsed into silence. Only Joran seemed determined to talk, but his words were soft and he addressed no one in particular, rambling about a fair- haired girl he hardly knew. The rocks shifted and a pale light came softly from above. It was faint and inconsistent. 'I'm hallucinating,' Loriella thought. 'The cold has reached my mind.' The stone nearest her head lifted and a dark bloodied hand pushed through. It felt around until it found the khajiit's matted hair. It stayed there a moment, then quickly withdrew. 'If that's not real, then I'm a nord,' She immediately thought of Alduin and excused him this minor fault. "Hhhhh..." She tried to shout 'help,' but the word wouldn't come. That exhale of breath, however, was enough to cause that saving hand to work faster. The hole gradually widened, but not fast enough. The water was crawling up her chin and Cromm was having to breathe through his nose in fast pants. She only hoped K'tarin could still breathe. His leg was next to her hand, but she had not the strength to squeeze him for a response. Joran was still mumbling. It was small comfort. A silhouette eclipsed the light and a thick arm snaked down and grasped her about the chest. The arm squeezed her hard as the man pulled her free of the natural cairn. Without the buoyancy of the water, she left heavy and could only lie like a spent fish on the gravely rock. She looked up and saw the grinning face of Holm'ka. Though his skin was dark, she saw his many bruises an welts. His teeth were blood-stained but that did not lessen the joy of his smile. All this she saw in a moment, for no sooner had he placed her gently down, than he turned to push aside more rock to get at the others. Loriella lay back and listened to him work; the grind of stone, the groan of over-strained muscles, a gasp of one newly-freed. The tunnel and cavern were still rocking under the crumbling citadel above. Pebbles rained down on her, coating her wet body with a fine layer of damp dust. She could only imagine how she looked. Hardly presentable. She was sure that even Elfiran, co-owner of The Angry Porcupine and used to such adventures as this, would turn her away, 'take a bath' on his lips. She giggled at that, but cut herself short when she felt a dull pain in her side. She was becoming aware of the punishment her body had gone through. After all that desperate combat, her body found the bruising of falling rock overwhelming. She wondered who would be carrying them all home. If she was in this poor shape, she could only imagine the state of the others. Her attention wandered and she found herself staring at the tenuous light about Holm'ka's body. It was a blue-white corona so faint, she had to look slightly away to see it, but it was there. 'Is he a ghost?' she thought. She would have laughed had her weariness been any less. As the numbness slowly receded, the ache in her muscles advanced. Her attention was brought back with a passionate kiss on her lips. Cromm has leaning over her, her head in his hands. She managed a smile, careful of her tooth. The Werre all lay down in a pile of humanity. Body heat was meager, and no one had the energy to begin the long crawl out. A gentle puff of warmer air could be felt above and behind. Holm'ka told them there was a small tunnel farther up their perch and that was knowledge enough for them at the moment. The rock bucked under them, but they paid no heed. Let it buck and roll and crack. They were free of the water. Loriella also didn't want to leave for she saw something in Holm'ka's eyes she did not like. Somehow, she knew as long as they lay there, they'd all stay alive. It was not to be. Holm'ka finally roused them, but Cromm stumbled to his feet only when he couldn't take being booted any longer. The upheavals were getting more violent again as well. "We must move now! No rest yet." Holm'ka's voice was tense, and he gestured with his good arm to the opening above. Despite the water having reached their ankles again, the party moved slowly. With unsteady feet on moving earth, they plodded upward, Holm'ka in the lead. "Your wounds must be treated as soon as possible, friend," said K'tarin. "Your arm has reopened. You're losing blood." The Werre waved off K'tarin. "Too much blood..." Loriella understood what she saw in his eyes. He knew he had little chance of escaping. He looked for death. It came upon them soon enough. In a mighty upheaval, fissures opened in the ceiling and the warm tunnel ahead began to collapse. With a last burst of speed, Holm'ka raced forward and stood astride the tunnel's mouth. Rock pummeled his back, but his legs did not give. A small boulder came down in thunder, but he held its weight. The light about him brightened for all to see. It was not a corona but three figures; broad warriors like the Werre. They were supporting Holm'ka. One had a hand over his worst wound, but only slowed the free flow of blood. In answer to the silent question, he said: "They are naugh. Not all fled the black water heedlessly. Now pass under me!" Wordlessly, K'tarin and Joran pass between his trembling legs, then Cromm forced Loriella through. She wanted to argue with the man. She could help hold the stone. They could dive out together, but Cromm knew better. There was nothing to be done. He slithered through last and stood to face his comrade in arms. "You have fought with honor. Now you spend yourself with more than honor." Holm'ka said nothing, but stared fixedly ahead. Cromm reached under the man's breast plate and brought out an ancient Denigroth talon. "No. Not that one... My pouch." Cromm nodded and picked out a black talon which gleamed in the spirit-light of the naugh. It burned to his touch, but his magicka-proof flesh remained untouched. "With the fresh talon of our mortal enemy, I mark thee." The words almost stuck in the to'khar's throat. He had known this man for almost a decade, and now he was performing the short form death-rite for him. There was no greater honor. He would normally have pricked Holm'ka's palm, but both arms were outstretched against the heavy rock. Quickly, Cromm loosed the man's pauldron, baring a bloody arm. He wiped the blood aside, and with ceremonial precision, he cut a graceful curve in the forearm with the razor claw. Dark blood welled up and Holm'ka's eyes started with the pain. Cromm knelt and scratched an identical sigil in the dusty floor, then drove the talon into the earth. "With the fresh talon of our mortal enemy, I mark your passage to the earth from which we came." Cromm kissed his friend's forehead, then turned swiftly on his heel. The tunnel had become violent, and he led the remainder of his party up the narrow passage. It was actually a fissure that had opened in the floor of a hand-hewn corridor above. They entered into it, and found themselves near the fork, down who's right hand they had found the great cavern. With unsteady pace, they fled down the passage to the desert above. Even as they did so, Holm'ka's voice rang out below. "Holm'ka djori fafsha! Ni kothka n'tor. See oth'shur domveen ko. Ko n'tor!" The ceremonial words gripped Cromm's heart. His friend was blood-bound; one who belonged to the inner-most Brotherhood. He was one of Th'Sollar's Men. "Au nauth Penterah, for nauth Osthula." There was no greater honor than to serve by a blood-bound except if it were to be a blood-bound. "Pere osthula!" He never knew Holm'ka was such a man. "Pere Penteran!" The words ended in a rolling rumble. As they fell out into the world above, Cromm, for the first time, wept for someone's death. * * * Holm'ka stood in a black place. He could see nothing, hear nothing. He was aware of the three naugh passing away, but he remained in this place. A deep voice boomed from behind. "Thou hast lived a true warrior's life, Holm'ka, Werre and blood-bound." The redguard spun about to face a towering figure arrayed in ebony plate. No hint of race or form could be seen under that complete armor. The Werre looked up in silence. "Thou hast faced thine mortal enemy and defeated it many times over. Thy last act was one of selfless bravery, born of honor and duty. "I am the Great Lord of War. There is a place for thou in my Dreadarmies." Holm'ka stood erect. There was no need for words. <><><><><><><><><> Alduin dor Lammoth