Subject: [Dagger] [PORC] My first Porc tale Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 00:47:07 -0400 From: Mad Madam Mimm To: Hey all, So this is my first attempt at a Porc tale. If one of you still in the inn wants to respond to this, let me know and I won't continue it until you get your response out. The door to the Angry Porcupine opened, and a tall, skinny figure in a ragged, faded green cloak slipped in. The person was a young woman of an obviously mixed heritage wearing shabby clothing, all in black. Exhaustion showed in her very bearing, and unhappiness covered by a cold, wary calculation. Her eyes, surely lustrous once, seemed as faded as her clothing, but hard and cold, with puple-dark circles underneath. Her cheeks were hollow, and she was very thin- she looked as if she had not eaten or rested properly in a very long time. But for all of that , the clothing she wore had been made of fine fabrics, and though faded from age, it looked only recently misused- the tears and threadbare spots seemed new. Her boots were also of fine quality, thick, supple black leather that would protect her feet from all but the meanest of weather and harshest of physical punishment- and though they were not polished now, they had obviosly been well taken care of in the past. She stood as though well used to battle with weapons or magic, though the strain it caused showed a bit. She was a woman who had fallen on hard times. Catching sight of Edwynster polishing the bar, she headed for him in the sudden near-silence that had accompanied her entrance. She moved slowly and painfully, her walk echoing the abuse that her body seemed to have suffered recently. Kin I help ye? Ed asked her. A room, and a bath, and stabling for my two horses, please. Her voice was somewhat hoarse, and definately at the low end of the female range, but hinted at a musical richness when the speaker was healthier. Top of the stairs, turn left, second door on the left. Bathing room at the other end of the hall. Ed jerked his head at the stableboy, who scampered out the door. The newcomer immediately disappeared up the stairs. When she reapperaed a bit later, she had washed and changed, and to the surprise of the other patrons, her perfectly black hair, unbound but for a twisted silver wire hair wrap, hung about to her knees. It was blacker than her clothes, which were nearly as faded as those she had worn earlier, though not as torn. She had a tired preoccupied look about her. The conversation in the room once again faded to near silence at her entrance, though she didnt seem to notice. She took a table at the hearth corner and commenced staring into the flames. Edwynster let her for a bit, until about the time the conversation went back to normal, then he headed toward her. What kin I get ye? The newcomer looked up startled, and answered absently, An ale, please. When Ed glanced over his shoulder as he headed back to the bar she was staring silently into the flames again. A moment later he was back, and when he plunked the ale down in front of her, she looked up at him in confusion for a moment, seemingly having forgotten that she ordered it. Thank you, she said in a rather startled voice, and sipped once before going back to staring at the fire. Ed stood there for a moment, then abruptly turned and headed for the kitchen. He returned with a plate heaped with meat, potatoes, and steamed vegetables, the mouthwatering aroma of which ws the direct cause of another patron signaling one of the barmaids to bring food. The only time a customer had ever complained about the food at the Porcupine Elfiran had promptly fired the cook. Ed headed straight for the stangers table and put the plate down in front of her. She stared up at him in surprise.  Ididnt order- she began, but Ed cut her off. Comes with the room, Ed lied. When she eyed it with less than gratifying enthusiasm, he added pointedly, So does breakfast. She gave in, her shoulders slumpng a little, and began to eat. Satisfied, Ed returned to the bar. So that's it. Please, everyone; comments? Flames? Lady Raven