The Angry Porcupine

Trivia Quiz

Yep. A quiz, based on the Porcupine Tales. As soon as I learn how to, I will make it interactive, but until then, you can send answers to me and I will let you know how you got on. Please mark the subject 'PORC trivia' and send them to me.

  1. What is the full name of the owner of the Angry Porcupine?
  2. What does 'Tenaka Khan' mean?
  3. What is Balefire's warcry?
  4. What is the name of Mea Culpa's sword, and what does it mean?
  5. What is the name of J'layah's sister?
  6. What was the name of the Master?
  7. Who was the man who founded the Werre?
  8. What are Red and Blackie's real names?
  9. What was Kriella before she joined the Dreadarmies?
  10. What is the full name of the popular scribe?
  11. Who is Cromm?
  12. What race is Loriella?
  13. What is Alduin's preferred drink?
  14. Who had a hangover from hell?
  15. What is the name of Balefire's staff?
  16. Where were Twilight and J'layah teleported to?
  17. What was the name of the one-eyed man?
  18. What was the name of the dragon that was killed in Torith Au Werre?
  19. Who did Tenaka lend a sword to?
  20. Who is the Great Lord of War?
  21. Which character died and joined the Dreadarmies?
  22. What did J'layah do with Balefire's ring?
  23. Who had to ride a horse without a saddle?
  24. Who was hunting Tabanallis for a time?
  25. To whom did Balefire give a Rose?
  26. Whose body did Tenaka borrow?
  27. Who is the Prince Regent who commanded Dremora Rathine to help?
  28. Who killed the Dragon?
  29. Which Archmagister brought all of the others together during the Guardian Citadel incident?
  30. And which one eventually died?
  31. Translate Shee'thos'r M'agrathra from the Werre.
  32. What is the word for Leader in the Ancient Werre?
  33. Who died on the Grey Mound?
  34. Who killed the Master?
  35. With whom did the Werre go to war centuries ago?
  36. When hunting for Alduin's ink-jar, what did they also find?
  37. Who fell on Tenaka?
  38. What is Tenaka's real name?
  39. Who sang Perinoth in Derigliv in the native Werrish?
  40. Which of the Werre was one of Th'Sollar's men?
  41. What were Kru'ldum dul Holkthm and Heem'd u Toth?
  42. From where did Balefire get water, to make the four elements?
  43. Who was the Sleeping Beauty?
  44. What was the name of Alduin's son?
  45. Who was the stranger who joined the fray to help Elfiran?
  46. And what were they fighting against?
  47. What did Balefire think would make a fitting epitaph?
  48. What names did Red and Blackie take when they were hunting Nyx?
  49. Where did Nyx and Kriella meet?
  50. What was Rathine's comment on the subject of Soul Gems?
  51. What type of Daedra did Skudge kill in the Porcupine?
  52. Who are Warblaze and Shadowbane?
  53. Who chipped their tooth fighting Denigroth?
  54. What did Cromm name the lake and the island (in Werrish)?
  55. And the translations?
  56. What is the literal translation of Ki'Raith?
  57. For what was Ebonarm angry with Tenaka?
  58. What did Rathine accidentally turn a fly into?
  59. Which of the Spider Daedra did Betrayal kill?
  60. What does Alyssa turn into?
  61. Who did Skudge wake up?
  62. What is the name of Nyx's real father?
  63. And where did she meet him?
  64. When where Balefire and Tenaka closer than brothers?
  65. What race is Zerith?


There you go. The quiz is marked out of 130, so each question is worth 2. Answers are available on request. And all of the answers can be found in the Tales.
