Public Art image, 1998

Example of student on a Higher Education program involving public art, health, education and technology.

Alastair Quirk

Alastair Quirk has been unemployed and very ill over the last two years and unable to attend Barnet College because he has to visit his local hospital each week. Through weekly email tutorials Alastair has built up a portfolio of 40 images. He has discovered he enjoys and has a flare with photography. Alastair has found he enjoys being creative on his Apple computer in particular with PhotoShop, Illustrator and Quark Express software.

Through the email tutorials Alastair has built up a series of photographic essays that reflect his interests within a public art context.

Because of his health and an interest in architecture and Public Art, Alastair has completed two trips to Tunisia. The following photographs are part of an essay he agreed to cpmplete for his public art program.

Souss, 1998

Tower, 1998

Of interest are his public art events, his aim is to set up an incident on a street then photograph it as if it were a real event. For example the following photograph of an accident has been created and acted out by Alastair and his friends.

Accident, 1999

With a more traditional course Alastair would not have been able to attend and complete his HNC. Through technology and the HNC Public Art Alastair has begun to discover his talents.

Why should Alastair be excluded from an education process because he is ill? In fact the illness can be viewed in a positive manner, it gives him plenty of time to develop his skills. Because his Apple computer is in his home he has able to learn three professional programs and develop his skills.

Although a difficult time for Alastair he has in fact discovered and explored his talent and skill.

Alastair's own website is:

Andrew Crummy, Course Co-ordinator, HNC Public Art, Barnet College.