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The Hebrew word 'Bayith' can be translated in several ways but usually means 'house' or 'foundation'. Our ministry aims to be a welcoming house that helps to provide believers with foundational material to bless and encourage you.




© Dusty Peterson & Elizabeth McDonald, 2003/2013,  Bayith Ministries  email:  You are very welcome to make copies of this article for personal research or for free distribution by print or email, but please respect our conditions that the content remains intact (including this copyright statement); that no misleading impression is given that we are necessarily associated with or endorse the distributor; and that proper reference is made to the title and author.  Website owners are encouraged to link to this page, but you must not incorporate this article into your own website without our prior written consent.  Thank you and bless you.

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Basic Christian Teachings and Practices

The Love of the Truth

by Dusty Peterson & Elizabeth McDonald
October 2003 / { ? } 2013



pp 2 - 10 in World