One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after;
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life  (Psalm 27:4)
© Elizabeth McDonald
We recommend the books/DVDs etc we have included on this page, but please note that we would not necessarily agree with every single word contained therein; neither can we necessarily vouch for any other materials by the same authors, or any groups or ministries or websites with which they may associated, or the beliefs of whatever kind they may hold, or any other aspect of their work or ministry or position.  Likewise, our recommendation here of specific websites/pages does not necessarily imply that we endorse every aspect of that group or ministry.

Bayith Home  |  Health and Nutrition

Health and Nutrition
maintaining physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health

"If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God,
and wilt do that which is right in His sight, and wilt give ear to His commandments, and keep His Statutes,
I will put none of these diseases upon thee ... for I am the LORD that healeth thee
(Exodus 15:26)

Websites and Materials

H&N Articles Index   |   H&N Quotes and Comments Index   |   H&N Scripture References





General - Take Control of Your Health

This site aims to "make you as healthy as can possibly be. This involves: (1) Providing the most up to date natural health information and resources that will most benefit you and, (2) Exposing corporate, government and mass media hype that diverts you away from what is truly best for your health and often to a path that leads straight to an early grave."

The Weston A. Price Foundation

"The Foundation is dedicated to restoring nutrient-dense foods to the human diet through education, research and activism. It supports a number of movements that contribute to this objective including accurate nutrition instruction, organic and biodynamic farming, pasture-feeding of livestock, community-supported farms, honest and informative labelling, prepared parenting and nurturing therapies. ... [We] stand united in the belief that modern technology should be harnessed as a servant to the wise and nurturing traditions of our ancestors rather than used as a force destructive to the environment and human health; and that science and knowledge can validate those traditions."

Health Impact News Daily

"HIND brings you the latest news regarding issues that impact your health you may find difficult to find in other media sources: Medicine Watch, Real Food Nutrition, Sustainable Agriculture, Alternative Health, Coconut Health, Created4Health, Videos. We learned first hand in the late 1990s and early 2000 that the truth regarding health and nutrition about fats and oils was NOT being published in the mainstream media. ... There are many other issues regarding your health that are NOT being published on the the mainstream media today, due to political and economic reasons, NOT scientific reason. We will publish the truth on this website."

Raw Milk

Raw Milk Facts

"It's amazing just how much controversy swirls around this simple, but oh, so complex food. The more I researched it, the more fascinated I became. Some folks claim it's positively deadly. others liken it to manna from heaven. The truth had to be out there somewhere, and it was, buried under thick layers of half-truths and deliberate misinformation. ... My goal with is to help dispel the myths that have sprung up around one of nature's most perfect foods. I promise to ferret out the science as far from corporate spin as possible to bring you the 'raw truth'."

Raw Milk Institute

"The mission of the Raw Milk Institute is to improve human health and the immune system by training and mentoring farmers; educating consumers; establishing national raw milk guidelines; outreach to farmers, consumers, regulators, universities, the media, and other groups; listing producers, and supporting research."

Real Milk

What is real, raw milk?  /  Is it safe to drink real, raw milk?  /  What makes real raw milk safe?  /  How safe is real raw milk compared to other foods?  /  Why do we hear about raw milk causing health problems so frequently?  /  Is real, raw milk safe for babies?  /  Are there any health benefits to consuming real raw milk?  /  Can real raw milk cure asthma and allergies?  /  Is real raw milk helpful for adult diseases?  /  Is real raw milk easier to digest than pasteurized milk?  /  Can people with lactose intolerance drink real raw milk?  /  What are the state laws about selling real raw milk?  /  Why is real, raw milk a good thing for farmers?  /  Where can I find real raw milk?

Hook & Son Raw Milk Farm

Raw Milk and Processed Milk  /  Why is Our Raw Milk Safer than Raw Milk Before Pasteurisation?  /  The Benefits of Raw Milk  /  Tips on How to Really Enjoy Your Raw Milk.

Raw Milk Articles



All of the books listed below can be obtained from usedbooksearch

General Health and Nutrition

The Maker's Diet  by Jordan S. Rubin  (2004)

"Biblically based and scientifically proven, this book uses a truly holistic approach to health ... boost your immune system, attain and maintain your ideal weight, have abundant energy, improve your physical appearance, reduce stress, improve digestion ... This book is a refreshing change in a world full of fad diet books that push unsubstantiated programs, each conflicting with the other. The author derives his health program from the most ancient of public health texts, the Bible. Many of his recommendations have been gleaned from epidemiological studies on some of the world's healthiest people and thus are based on history and proven by modern science..."

The Word on Health: A Biblical and Medical Overview of How to Care for Your Body and Mind  by Dr. Michael D. Jacobson  (2000)

"What could the Bible possible say to you and me when it comes to medical principles? The author contends that 'God is our inventor, engineer, and great physician. But how many of us have even thought to consider asking for His input in the critical area of health and medicine?' ... the Bible has a great deal to say about medicine and health. It is, after all, the testimony of the One who was there when it all began ... This book covers such practical issues as proper nutrition, dietary truths and fallacies, the effect of stress on one's health, and practical steps to take when we are ill - all from the perspective of truths found in the pages of God's Word..."

None of These Diseases  by S. I. McMillen and David E. Stern  (1963, 1984, 2000)

"After thousands of years, medical science rediscovers a startling prescription for full and healthy living: the Bible! That shouldn't come as a surprise. God told the Israelites, 'If you listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands  and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you" (Exodus 15:26). [This book] shows you how to apply our Creator's guidelines to your modern lifestyle. Drs. McMillen and Stern's medical expertise, biblical background, and touch of humour have made this book a classic, with more than one million copies sold. Now completely revised and updated for a new generation, [this book] shows how to obtain extraordinary medical benefits by heeding the Word of God."

What the Bible Says About Healthy Living  by Rex Russell  (1996)

"This is a must read for every Christian who is serious about living a healthy and vigorous life that pleases God ... This book is an outstanding reminder of God's prescription for our heath as contained in His holy Word ... The author combines the eternal principles of the Bible with up-to-date science to give an outstanding insight into healthy living, both physically and spiritually ... God made us, He knows how we will function best and be the healthiest. If we will follow His guidelines, we are more likely to experience His best for us - physically, emotionally and spiritually ... this book is a thorough evaluation of food and drink and its powerful effect on human health..."


Allergy Prevention for Kids: A Nutritional Guide  by Dr Leo Galland  (1994)

"Parents today are aware that the food children eat influences not only their health but their behaviour. They are increasingly concerned about eating, but in a different way from previous generations. In the past, parents worried chiefly about how much children ate; now they are interested in what they eat. ... Not only does [this book] clear up parents' confusion about the best diet for their children but it also explains when and how to use nutritional supplements sensibly to give children's bodies the extra boost they need for maximum health. With increasing threats to their well-being from chemicals in the water, pesticides on fruit and vegetables, and other pollutants, children today need all the protection they can get..."

Fast Food, Processed Food, Junk Food

Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease  by Robert H. Lustig  (2012)

"In the late 1970s, when the [Western governments] declared that we needed to get the fat out of our diets, the food industry responded by pumping in more sugar to make food more palatable ... and by removing the fiber to make food last longer on the shelf. The result has been a perfect storm for our health, disastrously altering our biochemistry to make us think we're starving, drive our eating habits out of our control, and turn us into couch potatoes. If we cannot control how we eat, it's because of the catastrophic excess of sugar in our diet - the resulting hormonal imbalances have rewired our brains. To help us lose weight and recover our health, [the author] presents strategies we can each use to readjust the key hormones that regulate hunger, reward, and stress, as well as societal strategies to improve the health of the next generation..."

Fast Food Facts: A Survival Guide to the Good, the Bad and the Really Ugly of Fast Foods  by Tim Lobstein  (1988)

"Unlike supermarket shelves, fast food caterers display no labels telling us what is in these meals ... This guide to the hidden world behind the fast food counter shows you exactly what you are getting when you order your takeaway meal. It lists the nutrients and additives in a broad range of familiar fast foods. The book also shows you what you are not getting - the missing nutrients you need to survive the fast food experience. And it gives details of the unexpected meat, fish and insect products to be found in fast foods and when you might find allergy-inducing ingredients that you didn't expect ... Here, too, are the facts about working in the fast food industry and the new global empires being built by the fast food multinationals."


Grain Brain: Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar - Your Brain's Silent Killers  by Dr David Perlmutter  (2014)

"While it's well-established that processed foods and refined carbohydrates have contributed to our challenges with obesity and so-called food allergies, no one has explained the relationship between grains and other ingredients and brain health ... There is little doubt that one of the largest and most wide-reaching events in the ultimate decline of brain health in modern society has been the introduction of wheat grain into the human diet ... what we now call wheat bears little resemblance to the wild einkorn variety that our forebears consumed ... [modern wheat] shares almost no genetic, structural, or chemical likeness to [wild wheat]..."

Wheat Belly  by William Davis  (2011, 2014)

"Every day we eat food products made from wheat. As a result, millions of people experience some form of adverse health effect, ranging from minor rashes and high blood sugar to unattractive 'wheat belly' stomach bulges ... wheat is the single largest contributor to the obesity epidemic ... documented peculiar effects of wheat on humans include appetite stimulation, exposure to brain-active exorphins ... exaggerated blood sugar surges that trigger cycles of satiety alternating with heightened appetite, the process of glycation that underlies disease and aging, inflammatory and pH effects that erode cartilage and damage bone, and activation of disordered immune responses ... coeliac disease ... neurological disorders, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, curious rashes and the paralysing delusions of schizophrenia..."


Herbal Medicine for the Menopause  by Andrew Chevallier  (2001)

"This book sets out to try and provide the essential information you need on herbs and the menopause, for you to make sensible decisions about whether herbal treatment is right for you ... what herbs or extracts to take, how much and when. The advice given is based both on longstanding traditional use and scientific research ... This practical advice reflects the contemporary use of plant medicines around the world to treat and relieve menopausal problems. Many of these herbal medicines have a traditional use going back for hundreds and in some cases thousands of years ... a glimpse of the many herbs used traditionally by women across the world to improve their health and quality of life during the menopause..."

Herbal Medicine: The Natural Way to Stay Well  by Dian Dincin Buchman  (1993)

This book "is a clear, comprehensive and easy-to-follow guide to how wild and garden herbs can be used to help prevent or control common health problems. Section One describes 89 major herbs and shows ho each one is useful in health care; Section Two lists common ailments, and the specific herbal preparations for their treatment; Section Three gives detailed step-by-step instructions on how to make the various herbal preparations at home; Section Four lists suppliers of plants, seeds, dried herbs and herb products, societies and associations, herb gardens in the British Isles, and recommended reading."

The Illustrated Guide to Edible Plants  by Dagmar Lánská  (1992)

"This guide includes: Invaluable information about the nutritional and healing properties of wild plants; details of habitat and seasonal availability; advice on collection, storage and preparation; mouthwatering recipes for cheap and nutritious dishes; useful tables of selected wild plants for easy reference and identification; a comprehensive index giving Latin and common names; beautiful full colour illustrations. Publisher's Note: It cannot be overemphasised that many plants are poisonous ... and some which are beneficial in small doses can also be harmful if taken to excess or for long periods. In some cases only part of the plant may be used as a foodstuff. It is for this reason careful reading of the textual information is recommended..."

The How to Herb Book: Let's Remedy the Situation  by Velma J. Keith and Monteen Gordon  (1984)

This book "gives practical, concise information in an easy-reference form. This book was written as a 'how to' of herbs for self and family. [It] stresses common, easily available herbs. The remedies used were chosen for effectiveness, ease of use, and have been time and experience tested. Includes herbs, vitamins, minerals, diets, juice fasts, exercise, pregnancy, babies, and much more. An indispensable book. Designed for quick reading and to give confidence and assurance with herbs. The How to Herb Book will be enjoyed by both experienced herbalists and novices."

Raw Milk and Raw Foods

The Milk of Human Kindness Is Not Pasteurized  by William Campbell Douglass  (1985)

"Our greatest agricultural loss today is due to our senseless destruction of fresh milk through pasteurization, ultra-pasteurization, and now ultra high temperature pasteurization which turns a great food into a white, 'milk-flavoured drink', about as nutritious as milk of magnesia. ... With proper understanding of milk, and its destructive effects (when heat-treated) and the remarkable therapeutic effects when used raw, we can ... make ourselves infinitely more healthy, and actually raise the I.Q. of our children. ... We will cover a vast array of subjects in this book such as raw milk, medical milk therapy, human milk, margarine and butter, the sudden infant death syndrome, and the great yoghurt rip-off, but the major thrust of this book will be to warn you of the dangers of pasteurized milk and to inform you about the incredible health benefits to be gained from drinking fresh, untreated, unpasteurized, in other words, raw milk..."


The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food  by Kaayla T. Daniel  (2005)

"Soy is NOT a health food, Soy is NOT the answer to world hunger, Soy is NOT a panacea, Soy has NOT even been proven safe. Hundreds of epidemiological, clinical and laboratory studies link soy to malnutrition, digestive problems, thyroid dysfunction, cognitive decline, reproductive disorders, immune system breakdown, even heart disease and cancer. Most at risk are children given soy formula, vegetarians who eat soy as their main source of protein and adults self-medicating with soy foods and supplements." ... "[This book] is a devastating and authoritative indictment of the safety of soy foods and a 'must read' for consumers who are under the misconception that soy foods promote health. Convincingly argued and extensively supported by the medical and scientific literature, it exposes the misleading propaganda used by the soy industry to promote the supposed benefits of this inferior food."







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