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A Unique Nation: Israel
The 16 Bible Prophecies

by Brian Gill


(A)  1 Chronicles 17: 21-22:  A special nation in the eyes of God.

(B)  Exodus 19: 5-6:  A special treasure to the Lord above all people.               

(C)  Romans 3: 1-2:  Paul raises the question – “What advantage has the Jew”?

(D)  Romans 9: 4-5:  Unique stewardship – 8 distinctive features which separate Jews from others.

(E)  John 4: 22:  Jesus proclaims – “Salvation is from the Jews”.


Israelite’s destiny predicted:
16 specific prophecies which chart Israel’s history and destiny


(F1)  Gen: 15: 13:  Israelite’s enslavement in Egypt and  ill-treatment predicted to Abraham. 

(F2)  Gen: 15: 14:  Their deliverance with wealth out of Egypt predicted to Abraham. 

(F3)  Gen: 15: 18:  Their possession of the land of Canaan predicted to Abraham. 

(F4)  Deut: 32: 15-21:  Their turning to idolatry predicted by Moses. 

(F5)  Deut: 12: 5-6;  Psalm: 132: 5-6:  They would establish their centre of worship of Jehovah in Zion & Jerusalem. 

(F6)  Amos 5: 27 & 7: 17:  The captivity of the Northern kingdom – Judah – into Assyria. 

(F7)  Jer: 16: 13 & 21: 10:  The captivity of the Southern kingdom – Israel – into Babylon. 

(F8)  2 Chron: 7 19-22:  The destruction of the 1st Temple built by Solomon. 

(F9)  Isaiah 6: 11-13:  Return of the Jewish remnant from Babylon to Jerusalem. 

(F10)  Matt: 24:2;  Luke 19: 43-44:  Destruction of Herod’s Temple (2nd Temple) in AD 70. 

(F11)  Lev: 26: 33-44;  Ez: 12:15; 20:33; 22.15:  Israelites (Jews) are scattered throughout the nations of the world. 

(F12)  Lev: 26: 36-39:  The Jews shall be persecuted and oppressed over 20 centuries.

(F13)  Is: 11: 11-12 & 43: 5-6;  Zech: 10: 9-10;  Ez: 36: 24-28;  Amos 9:14-15:  Restoration of the Promised Land and re-gathering from all nations. 

This last prophecy (F13)  reiterated by no fewer than four prophets has been and is currently being fulfilled by events witnessed since the turn of the 20th century whilst re-gathering continues into the 21st century. In 1948 Israel was restored to independent sovereign statehood for the first time since Zedekiah was captured by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon in 586 BC – an interlude of almost 2600 years.   The absorption of the flood of returning Jews in 1948-50 numbering some 650,000 Jewish refugees fleeing the surrounding Arab territories, culminating more recently during the 1990’s with the return of over 20,000 Jews from Ethiopia & 400,000 Jews from the former Russian Republic, is a miracle of integration.



(F14)  Zech: 12: 2-3 & 14: 1-2:  All nations will gather and come against Jerusalem and Judah (‘West Bank’). 

(F15)  Zech: 12: 10-14;  Ez: 36: 24-27:  God will reveal Himself supernaturally to the Jews in Israel as their Messiah. They will mourn and grieve bitterly. 

(F16)  Zech: 14: 3-5;  Joel 3:1-2;  Isaiah 60:  Messiah returns to Mt. of Olives in glory. He will judge the nations re: Israel.                 

With war looming over Iraq, the subsequent fall-out from the Arab League and the Moslem world against Israel is perceived to be the precursor to the fulfilling of Prophecy F14.