One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life (Psalm 27:4)                 Bayith Ministries

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"And he that stealeth [kidnaps] a man, and selleth him,
or if he be found in his hand [enslaves him], he shall surely be put to death"

(Exodus 21:16)

Quotes and Comments

The Roman Empire   |   The TransAtlantic Slave Trade   |   The Islamic Slave Trade   |   Abolition

Political Correctness and Revisionist History   |   Reparations   |   The Bible and Slavery   |   Slaves to Sin   |   Slavery: Articles and YouTubes

(William Wilberforce, MP, 28th October 1787)

"Thank God that I have lived to witness the day in which England is willing to give £20 million for the abolishment of slavery"
(William Wilberforce, MP, 26th July 1833)



The Roman Empire

Non Angli, sed angeli

"The famous story about Pope Gregory I, before he became pope, seeing some fair-skinned English boys in a slave-market in Rome and saying, 'Not Angles, but angels; ... Gregory I sent St Augustine to Kent in 597 to bring Roman Christianity [Roman Catholicism] to a country whose Celtic Christians did not recognise the supremacy of Rome"

"We are told that one day some merchants who had recently arrived in Rome displayed their many wares in the market-place. Among the crowd who thronged to buy was Gregory, who saw among other merchandise some boys exposed for sale. These had fair complexions, fine-cut features, and beautiful hair. Looking at them with interest, he enquired from what country and what part of the world they came. 'They come from the island of Britain' he was told, 'where all the people have this appearance.'  He then asked whether the islanders were Christians, or whether they were still ignorant heathens. 'They are pagans' he was informed.  'Alas!' said Gregory with a heartfelt sigh: 'how sad that such bright-faced folk are still in the grasp of the author of darkness, and that such graceful features conceal minds void of God's grace! What is the name of this race?'  'They are called Angles', he was told.  'That is appropriate' he said, 'for they have angelic faces, and it is right that they should become joint-heirs with the angels in heaven. And what is the name of the province from which they have been brought?'  'Deira' was the answer.  'Good. They shall indeed be rescued de ira - from wrath - and called to the mercy of Christ. And what is the name of their king?'  'Aelle' he was told.  'Then' said Gregory, making play on the name, 'it is right that their land should echo the praise of God our Creator in the word Alleluia'."
[Bede, Ecclesiastical History of the English People, Book II, Chapter i, pp.103-4, (Penguin Books, 1990)].


The TransAtlantic/European Slave Trade

"In western Europe slavery was virtually extinguished by the 11th century, until 1450 saw the rise of the evil and brutal transatlantic slave trade which lasted for nearly four centuries. It is strange that slavery and the slave trade during this period were approved by some senior church leaders in Europe and North America, some of whom owned slaves. They even sought to justify the practice by theological arguments"

"The accepted history of race in the U.S. is that white men captured Africans, brought them to the U.S. and sold them as salves. This is wrong. When the white slavers showed up on the west coast of Africa, they didn't capture Africans. They looked them over in the pens, gave the Muslim slave traders their money, took their bills of sale, and loaded their purchases into their boats"

"You know the story we got when we were kids - that your ancestor was out on one Sunday with his girlfriend, and some white man jumps out of the bush and throws a net over him? That's not how it happened. Slavery was BIG business. Africans sold other Africans to the Europeans"


The Islamic Slave Trade

"Slavery is deeply embedded in Islamic law and tradition. Although a slave-owner is cautioned against treating slaves harshly, basic human rights are not obliged. The very fact that only non-Muslims may be taken as slaves is evidence of Islam's supremacist doctrine"

"Another myth about Islamic slavery is that it was not race based. It was. Muhammed's father-in-law, Umar, [as Caliph], declared that Arabs could not be taken as slaves and even had all Arab slaves freed on his deathbed. This helped propel the vast Islamic campaign to capture slaves in Africa, Europe and Asia for import into the Middle East"

"The nobility owned huge numbers of slaves and maintained large slave armies. For example, a 14th century sultan kept 180,000 slaves of whom 40,000 were palace guards"

"Within Islamic territories there were slaves from central Asia, from the Byzantine Empire, from sub-saharan Africa and from Europe. As far afield as Indonesia the business of seizing ands selling slaves flourished"

"Literally millions of Christians were captured into slavery during the many centuries of Jihad. So pervasive were the incursions by the Turks into Eastern Europe, that the English word for slave is based on Slav. Muslim slave raiders operated as far north as England"

"At least 17 million slaves (mostly black women and children) were brought out of Africa by Islamic traders - far more than the 11 million that were taken by the Europeans. [And these 17 million] were only the survivors. As many as 85 million other Africans are thought to have died en route. ... Nearly three times as many captured Africans died in harsh circumstances related to their transport to Muslim lands than were ever even enslaved by Europeans"

"Compared to the way the Arab slave traders treated their victims, the Western slavers were relatively benign. After all, it didn't make economic sense to allow their captives to die en route to market. On the eastern side of the continent eunuchs were worth several times more than ordinary slaves and they were castrated at the beginning of the march to the coast.  10% survived, the rest left a trail of corpses from the interior to the ports, rather similar (but much, much more painful) to the death marches of 1945 in the face of the Red army advance"
[comment at source].

"The Arab slave trade was the longest yet least discussed of the two major slave trades. It began in the seventh century as Arabs and other Asians poured into northern and eastern Africa under the banner of Islam. The Arab trade of Blacks in Southeast Africa predates the European transatlantic slave trade by 700 years. Some scholars say the Arab slave trade continued in one form or another up until the 1960s; slavery in Mauritania was criminalised as recently as August 2007"   /   "The African slave trade was (and still is, in the case of Sudan supplying black slaves to Saudi) run in the first place by Muslims. Islam has always believed in slavery of kaffirs, and especially blacks who are looked down on"
[comments at source].

"[S]lavery is still practiced in the Sudan, Niger, Mauritania and a few other corners of the Muslim world - and you won't see any of those Muslim apologists (who shamelessly repeat the lie that Islam abolished slavery) doing or saying anything about it"

"Right from the conquest for Egypt by Arab armies between 639 and 642 CE, the 'land of the Blacks', bilas al-Sudan, became a reservoir of slave[s] from the Muslim world. The main sources of slaves were war (jihad), raid, tribute, purchase and kidnapping"

"In the 1570s many thousands of black Africans were seen for sale in Cairo on market days. In 1796 a caravan was seen by a British traveller leaving Darfur with 5,000 slaves"

"The Arabic word abd which means 'slave' or 'servant' is used as an insult to black people in Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf"

"Without a knowledge of history, many Africans may be unaware of the fact that Islamic slave traders carried on a steady trade from East African ports for many centuries"

"The Arabs were the first invaders of India to capture and enslave large numbers of its inhabitants. In the 7th and 8th centuries, and later under the Ghaznavids (962-1187), huge numbers of Hindus became slaves. Many more were enslaved under the Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526), the Timurid jihad (1398), and the Mughals (1526-1857)"

"Evidence came to light in 2006 of the kidnapping and enslavement of young boys from Christian villages in the Punjab, an operation coordinated by a leading member of a militant Islamic group, the Jamaat-ud Daawa. The children, aged between 6 and 12, were held in unspeakable conditions, beaten, barely fed, and forbidden to talk, play or pray, before being sold for approximately $1,700 each into the sex trade or into domestic servitude"

"Correct me if I'm wrong but Islam did not conquer the Middle East and half of Africa by the joy that comes from believing"
[comment at source].

"The slave trade became a great source of wealth and power to Muslim states, and remained an important part of the economy of parts of the Muslim world well into the 20th century"

"Have any Muslims confessed about the Islamic/Arab slavery?"
[comment at source].


"Originating from the life of ... Mohammed, slavery is deeply embedded in Islamic law and tradition. Muslims are required to follow the teachings of Mohammed, who was a slave owner and trader"

"Muhammed ... kept slaves. One of his biographers, Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, states that he had four slave girls and adds a list of 27 male slaves (some of whom he freed)"

"Muhammed, the most revered figure in [Islam], practiced and approved of slavery. Even his own pulpit was built with slave labor"

"Mohammed is the perfect pattern for all humanity and his life was saturated in slavery ... [especially] once he turned to jihad. In his first major battle at Badr, he stood by and prayed as his henchmen beat and tortured captured slaves to get information about the enemy kafirs"

"Since Muhammed was a slave owner and slavery is permitted by the Quran, the Muslim world has never apologized for this dehumanizing practice. Even Muslims in the West will often try to justify slavery under Islam, since it is a part of the Quran"


"High prices were paid for eunuchs, and the practice of castration persisted from the 9th century until the early 20th century. Islam prohibits physical mutilation so many eunuchs were castrated before entering Islamic territory ... Black eunuchs became favoured for the royal harems"

The Devshirme/Janissaries

"The most revolting enslavement of whites was how Turkish Muslims took as a tax, one out of five Christian children in Islamic ruled Eastern Europe. These male children were taken back to Turkey where they became the janissaries, elite soldiers for the sultan"

"The Balkan Christians of the Ottoman Empire suffered cruelly, particularly under the brutal and bitterly resented child-levy, the devshirme. From the 15th century to the early 17th century the Ottomans would seize a certain proportion of Christian boys from their villages every few years, forcibly convert them to Islam and train them for the elite fighting force known as the Janissaries ... The devshirme was sternly enforced. If any Christian parent tried to prevent the taking of his child he was immediately hanged from his own door frame. It is estimated that between 500,000 and one million boys, from the ages of 8 to 20, were taken in this way. Occasionally, armed uprisings against the system took place, but they were quickly crushed. Some children ran away, only to return and give themselves up when their parents were tortured. Many resorted to bribery to escape recruitment. In the early 17th century the devshirme was abandoned"

The Barbary Pirates

"[F]rom 1500 to 1800, Muslim corsairs from the Barbary Coast systematically enslaved white Christians from Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Iceland, Great Britain, Ireland, and Greece. The Muslims raided ships at sea and attacked coastal villages in an activity called 'Christian stealing'. During that time, the Mediterranean had a reputation as the sea where people vanished: fishermen or sailors on board boats, shepherds tending flocks, farmers toiling near the shore, and townspeople, including women and children, living in coastal communities. Coastal dwellers and those who traveled by ship constantly risked capture, violence, and exploitation at the hands of Barbary Coast Muslims ... as many as 1.25 million Europeans were permanently and stealthily removed from their families and communities"

"Between 1530 and 1780 at least a million white Christian Europeans were enslaved on the Barbary coast. Around the year 1600 there were estimated to be some 35,000 in captivity there at any one time. Many records of the letters sent home, telling of the terrible sufferings the slaves were enduring, still exist"

"The slaves' only hope lay in being redeemed by payment of a ransom. Churches collected offerings for this purpose. Many of those who went to North Africa with funds to negotiate the release of the slaves were church leaders ... English slaves were largely neglected by their home country ... Many English slaves died in captivity"

Galley Slaves

"By far the worst kind of Muslim bondage was galley slavery. Three to five captives were chained by their wrists to an oar and by their ankles to a bench bolted to the ship's floor. Each ship, propelled mainly by rowing, required 150 to 300 men, who were forced to row often while receiving crippling blows from sticks. Galley slaves, who basically worked themselves to death to help their masters seize more slaves, rowed shirtless, received pitifully meager rations, and typically fouled themselves at their stations, while being tormented by rats, fleas, and various parasites" [source].

Sex Slavery (Islamic Tradition of Razzia)

"All morality in Islam is patterned after the example of Mohammed. Everything that he did and said defines what is permitted or 'good'. Mohammed repeatedly sanctioned forced sex (rape) with kafir females after they were captured. ... When Mohammed destroyed the B. Qurayza tribe, all of the adult male Jews were beheaded, so that no husbands were left. Mohammed then  took the children and gave them to Muslims to raise as Muslims and he sold off the Jewish women as slaves"

"Caliphs since [Muhammed] have had hundreds, sometimes thousands of young girls and women brought from Christian, Hindu and African lands to serve Islam's religious equivalent of the pope in the most demeaning fashion"

"Over 1 million Europeans were abducted and sold into slavery by those same Muslims. Their most favoured targets were young, fair skinned European women, who were sold to Islamic masters as sex slaves, to be repeatedly raped, sodomised, and gang raped in accordance with 'Allah's will"
[comment at source].

"Sexual slavery ... [and] rape was a powerful tactic of war, then and today. The women are forced into submission to Muslim men and the husbands are humiliated. Humiliated men are weakened men, so more kafirs were less able to resist Islam"

"Some contemporary apologists interpret sex slavery as a favor done to the subject - a way in which women and children are taken care of in exchange for their sexual availability to the pious Muslim male. Although morally repugnant in its own right, this is easily belied by the fact that slavery would be unnecessary if the arrangement were of benefit to the slave"

Slavery in Islam "is not only history; it is Sunna (the example of the perfect pattern of action and morality found in Mohammed). So today we don't have a beautiful blonde Christian girl on the block in Mecca
[EMcD: but see the quotes below and the picture here showing a beautiful - and petrified - Yazidi girl for 'sale' in an ISIS slave market], but we have continuous and ongoing rapes by Muslims in kafir cities. This goes on everywhere that Islam goes because it is Sunna" [source].

"Today, we see that the Islamic State uses Islamic doctrine to justify the kidnapping and enslavement of Christian and Yazidi women and children, even issuing a Koran-sanctioned edict about the permissibility of sexual intercourse with pre-pubescent girls"

"After the Islamic State kidnapped and pressed into slavery thousands of Yazidi women and children in 2014, the caliphate issued [a] FAQ of sorts on slavery, which included rules in sexually molesting children: 'It is permissible to have intercourse with the female slave who hasn't reached puberty if she is fit for intercourse; however, if she is not fit for intercourse, then it is enough to enjoy her without intercourse'."

"When a Yazidi woman begged a caliphate member not to rape a little girl, he responded, 'She's a slave... and having sex with her pleases God
[EMcD: i.e. Allah, the god of Islam - not Jehovah, the God of Israel and of Christians]" [source].

"A 12-year-old girl taken captive by the Islamic State explained that her 'master' would pray before he raped her: 'He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to Allah'. Other sex slaves have been forced to pray before the rape or recite passages from the Quran during"

"A Quran memorization competition in 2015 offered slave girls as the top three prizes. ... there were no voices of Muslim protest"

"In a video of Islamic State members at one of the caliphates sex slave markets in November 2014 [a] price list was released setting the rate [for the sale of] Yazidi and Christian girls between [the] ages [of] 10 and 20 at $130. Women between the ages of 20 and 30 were being sold for $86; 30 to 40 for $75, and 40 to 50 for $43. The price list began with these words: 'In the name of Allah, most gracious and merciful. We have received news that the demand in women and cattle markets has sharply decreased and that will affected [sic] Islamic State revenues as well as the funding of the Mujaheddin in the battlefield. We have made some changes. Below are the prices of Yazidi and Christian women'."

"A religion that encourages destructive rioting and killing over cartoons, but shows no sign of sorrow as little girls are sold and raped, does not have much to contribute to advancing civilization"
[Uzy Bulut, quoted at source].

"These men are not human. They only think of death. They take drugs constantly. They seek vengeance against everyone. They say that one day Islamic State will rule over the whole world"
[Jinan, a young Yazidi woman captured as a sex-slave for Islamic State, quoted at source].



The West and Christianity

"The truth Jesus emphasised that we are all made in the image of God of course led to the eventual elimination of slavery, and it was Christians, motivated by the New Testament, that spearheaded the drive to see it made history"

"This idea of slaving as sin is key. ... When chattel slavery, long absent from Europe, reappeared in imperial form in the 16th and 17th centuries - mostly in response to the need for cheap labor in the New World - the first calls to end the practice came from pious Christians ... Methodists quickly joined the cause, and a movement was born"
[quoted at source].

"Unless the divine power has raised you up to be as Athanasius contra mundum, I see not how you can go through your glorious enterprise in opposing that execrable villainy, which is the scandal of religion, of England, and of human nature. Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of men and devils. But if God is with you, who can be against you? Are all of them stronger than God?  O be not weary of well doing!  Go on, in the name of God in the power of His might, till even American slavery (the vilest that ever saw the sun) shall vanish away before it"
[Letter from John Wesley to William Wilberforce, 24 February 1791, quoted at source].

A small group of Christians in the 18th century "took a leading role in the long hard struggle against slavery. The best known name is William Wilberforce who was motivated by the Biblical teaching about humans being made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26) and by Jesus' command to treat others as we would like them to treat us (Matthew 7:12). Their struggle eventually achieved the abolition of the slave trade (1807), and then the abolition of slavery itself throughout the British Empire (1833). Other countries then followed suit"

"[I]t was the Judeo-Christian message of the equality of all men - because we are made in God's image - that led to the eventual elimination of slavery, at least in the West. Most of the abolitionists were committed Christians. Believers such as William Wilberforce and Charles Finney were at the forefront of bringing slavery to an end. Thus because of these Christian endeavours, the West is today free of slavery. However, Muslim countries like Sudan and Mauritania still deal in slavery"

"Thomas Sowell points out in [his book] Race and Culture that slavery was ubiquitous; the Muslims took more black Africans than were transported to America, and also enslaved more white Europeans. He also points out that [far] from being a western White phenomenon (note, he is black), it was only in the west that slavery was abolished. And it was abolished first in Britain thanks to evangelical Christian businessmen, then abolitionism was imposed on the rest of the world by the powerful British navy, i.e. 'western imperialism'."
[comment at source].

"The Royal Navy established the West Africa Squadron (or Prevention Squadron) at substantial expense in 1808 after Parliament passed the Slave Trade Act of 1807. The squadron's task was to suppress the Atlantic slave trade by patrolling the coast of West Africa. With a home base at Portsmouth, it began with two small ships, the 32-gun fifth-rate frigate HMS Solebay ad the Cruizer-class brig-sloop HMS Derwent. At the height of its operations, the squadron employed a sixth of the Royal navy fleet and the marines. Between 1808 and 1860 the West Coast Africa Squadron captured 1,600 slave ships and freed 150,000 Africans"
[comment at source].

"[T]he British Empire obliterated the international slave trade, which until they did had been practiced in almost every culture, civilisation, nation and racial group. Slavery had been ruled illegal on the British mainland since 22nd June 1772, however it had been unlawful since William the Conqueror prohibited it in 1066, which resulted in its effective elimination by 1086. The British can therefore feel extremely proud of the role they played in the history of slavery, since it is their culture which ended it locally, and then later globally, or at least mostly globally, it is still practiced in several African, Middle Eastern and South Asian nations"
[comment at source].

"America had a huge number of Christians who wrote and campaigned extensively against slavery"
[comment at source].


"Even after Britain outlawed the slave trade in 1807, a further 2 million Africans were enslaved by Muslim traders"

"Christianity was a major impetus in the abolishment of slavery. Abolition had to be imposed on the Islamic world by the European West. Given that there have never been abolitionary movement[s] within the Islamic world, it is astonishing to see contemporary Muslims write their religion into the history of abolition. It is a lie. There was no William Wilberforce or Bartoleme de les Casa in Islam"

"Given ... the condoning of infidel enslavement under Islamic doctrine, it is not surprising that within the Muslim world, no widespread call for the abolition of slavery has ever been issued. In fact, slavery still exists in Chad, Niger, Mauritania, Mali, and Sudan. Pressure to end the practice came from the West. Not until as late as 1962 did Saudi Arabia, responding to U.S. pressure, officially abolish slavery"

"The example of Muhammed, who is traditionally considered by Muslims the perfect model for their own behaviour, has made any Islamic opposition to slavery difficult. The argument that what he did was normal and acceptable in society of that time but not in the modern world carries little or no weight with conservative Muslims, who are interested only in copying Muhammed's example"

"Many Muslims agree that there is no place for slavery in the modern world but there has as yet been no sustained critique of the practice. The difficulties and dangers of confronting the example of Muhammed, and the teaching of the Qur'an and shari'a (which most Muslims believe cannot be changed) have dampened any internal debate within Islam"

"While slavery still exists in many Islamic countries, few Muslim leaders show remorse for the past, discuss reparations, or show that repugnance for the scourge of slavery which eventually led to its abolition in the West. It is time for Muslims to emphatically and publicly condemn the practice of slavery in any form and ensure that their legal codes supporting it are changed"

"In the 19th and 20th centur[ies], it was the white Europeans and Americans who were trying to end the slave trade in Africa and the middle east and doing all that they can to help the black Africans. Even today, there are white American/Europeans who are doing all that they can to help black Sudanese. They are bringing these people food, medicine, and other things to help relieve their suffering. I have never witnessed one single Moslem country doing any sort of charity work in the Sudan to help the black Sudanese people. It is ALWAYS white Christian Americans/Europeans who are helping the black Sudanese"
[comment at source].

"The abolition of slavery itself [in Muslim lands] would hardly have been possible. From a Muslim point of view, to forbid what God permits is almost as great an offense as to permit what God forbids - and slavery was authorized and regulated by the holy law [sharia]"
[quoted at source].

"Slavery is a part of Islam [Muslims who oppose slavery] are ignorant, not scholars"
[Sheik Saleh Al-Fawzen, leading scholar and author of a religious textbook for schools, quoted at source].


Political Correctness and Revisionist History

Concerning Islam

"What is regrettable now is that this practice among Muslims is seldom openly discussed - as if slavery was exclusively a Western phenomenon. This deliberate silence enables Islamic propagandists in America [and in Britain] to represent Muslims as liberators of the people of African origin, contrary to historical fact" [source].

"The most disgusting thing about Islamic slavery is not that Muslims enslave others, but that we ignore it ... The criticism of whites because of their being involved in slavery is standard fare in the media and universities. Try to find a university that even teaches about the killing of 120,000,000 Africans for Muslims to profit from the 24,000,000 slaves"

Concerning Black Africans

"Blacks define themselves on the basis of slavery. They will not go beyond the white, Christian version of slavery. There is only one theory of history in the black community - the West African Limited Edition version of history. Blacks will not admit the broad scope of slave history. Hindu slavery? It never happened. White and European slavery? It never happened. Slavery on the East Coast of Africa? It never happened. A massive slave trade through the Sahara into North Africa? It never happened. Black eunuchs at the Medina mosque? it never happened. This incomplete history of slavery is what the taxpayers fund in the state universities" [source].

"Some years ago I read that 'Zimbabwe' was the Shona name for the stone ruins of a medieval Arab slave trading fort, where the locals brought in other blacks for sale. But now the ruins are portrayed as evidence of an ancient black civilisation - and the earlier writings about their origins appear to have been dropped down a memory hole"
[comment at source].

"[T]here was a Timewatch programmed produced in the 1990s about slavery on the West Coast of Africa. ... One of the last scenes was an African tour guide showing a salve house and saying how it was run by Africans (Europeans had nothing to do with it). Asked how diaspora-Africans react when they see and hear this, she said they 'start crying and hitting the walls when it dawns on them that their whole conception of the slave trade is false'."
[comment at source].


"The original dhimmis were semi-slaves with no civil rights. Today, dhimmis are ignorant kafirs who apologize for Islam ... Muslims enslave everyone, but no one enslaves Muslims. This knowledge is part of Islam's arrogance and superiority. They know the history; it is the dhimmis (kafir apologists) who are ignorant of the doctrine and history of Islamic slavery"

"Our media and intellectuals are quick to punish the slightest insult by a white against a black man, but they have not the slightest recognition of murder, rape and enslavement of blacks by Islam. Our media and intellectuals are dhimmis"

"One of the marks of a dhimmi under the fourth caliph, Umar, was that a dhimmi was forbidden to study the Koran. The chief mark of dhimmitude today is ignorance of the Koran, the Sira and the Hadith. the ignorance of kafir intellectuals about Islam is profound"

"One thing whites and blacks have in common is that their ancestors were enslaved by Islam, and both are too ignorant to know it"

"How can black leaders ignore Islam's sacred violence in Africa? Why aren't the black columnists, writers, professors, or ministers speaking out? They are ignorant and in total denial. They are the molested children of Islam. Blacks are dhimmis and serve Islam with their silence. There is a deep fear of Islam that males them overlook and placate Islam. Arabs are the masters of blacks"

Sexual Slavery and Rape

"This is a continuous 1400-year history of jihad. In every detailed history that comes from the original documents from history, rape is a constant. You have to look in the original documents, since our historians refuse to report it in so-called history books. ... The most disgusting aspect of the Islamic rape of kafirs is not the rapes, but the kafir response. Kafirs become dhimmis by ignoring the rapes. I challenge you to find one, even one, mention of Islamic rape in the history books. Islamic rape is more taboo than the N-word in the media. At least the N-word is acknowledged to exist. Even unicorns exist in media fantasy. But Islamic rape is forbidden to even exist as a fantasy"

"Our so-called 'feminist' scholars are absolutely intellectually and morally bankrupt hypocrites. They are traitors to our culture and a shame and a disgrace. They remain silent in the face of heinous crimes against women. They are arch-dhimmis when they refuse to speak of the Sunna, history and current rapes of our daughters, mothers, and sisters"

"[I]n Beebotopia we absolutely need to know about white people whose ancestors might have owned slaves two centuries ago, but we don't need to know who the 'men' are who are raping children right now"
[comment at source].

Catherine Hall: 'Feminist Historian' at UCL

"Her work explores the interrelation between metropole and colony in an attempt to rewrite the narrative of certain aspects on 'British history' in the mid nineteenth century empire period"

Ms Hall's article on slavery is here

A Partial History

"I guess 'feminist' history is different from factual history then? Factual history showed [that] a tiny minority of elite Brits briefly profited from the extant slave trade that they found thriving in Africa, before the majority, via Parliament, both shut it down and the policed the prohibition of it"
[comment at source].

"For a supposed historian, her logic is, to put it mildly, a bit wonky. She fails to mention that slavery was a practice restricted to the colonies. Such a thing was not legal in Britain. Indeed, there was only one instance in Scotland of slave labour until one indentured chap sued his masters on those legal grounds - and won his freedom through the courts. Perhaps Ms Hall should broaden her studies and read up on one Mr Ignatius Sancho for a counterpoint to 'racist Britain'"
[comment at source].

"Slavery was not unique to the 17th century west. Slavery was practiced throughout history, by brown, black and white people"  /  "When Britain has had slaves most countries participated in slavery"
[comments at source].

The 'Triangle' Trade, African and Arab Slave Traders

"As the article refers to the Triangle trade, can I ask who it was that sold the slaves to the White Europeans for shipment to the West Indies and North America?"  /  "I've not read the article, but I can almost guarantee that the writer doesn't broach the issues of tribes selling other tribes to slave traders, and Africans using their own people as domestic slaves"  /  "I am sure she also wrote extensively about how the African slave trade could never have happened without the cooperation of the African tribes who were doing the rounding up and selling to the white slavers"  /  "Pity she doesn't state that not one slave could have been lifted out of Africa without the full involvement of native Africans"
[comments at source].

"I bet this 'historian' wrote extensively about the black on black slave trade and the horrific Arab slave trade, which included (still going on too) child sex slaves. I bet she's [written] chapter after chapter on those subjects"  /  "Or of course the role that African slave traders had in the slave trade"  /  "It always amazes me how these people completely whitewash the role of Islam in the African slave trade as well. There's never a peep about that, they just blame the 'Evil White Europeans' for everything"
[comments at source].

"Is this historical amnesia due to the political alliance between Leftism and Islam?"
[comment at source].

Ottoman Turks, Barbary Pirates, White European Slaves

"How does this historian feel about Muslims who have owned hundreds of thousands of slaves of every race, creed, ethnicity since Mohammed fell off a donkey through to modern day?"   /   "She] has obviously chosen to ignore the inconvenient fact that Africans enslaved around a million Europeans. It contradicts her white guilt-inducing agenda"   /   "Perhaps she should go back to the eighth and ninth centuries of the Fatimid Caliphate, when most of the slaves were Europeans (called Saqaliba), captured by Arabs along European coasts and during wars?"   /   "Never a whisper about Ottoman Turk, Arab, and Barbary pirate capture and slave trade in white Christian Europeans, which continued unabated up until 1908"
[comments at source].

"[R]ight up until the mid 17th Century and beyond, literally millions of Europeans were taken as sex slaves and slave labour by Barbary pirates [please see the book, White Gold]... worked to death in Morocco and Algeria. Rule Britannia was written as an anthem to celebrate British Naval power and its ability to stop the taking of Britons as slaves. The American navy was used for the same reason as Atlantic shipping and the European coast lines including the South Coast of Britain were constantly harassed"
[comment at source].

"The whole village of Baltimore in Southern Ireland was kidnapped by Barbary pirates in 1631 and sold into slavery in North Africa [please see the book, The Stolen Village]. Only 2 ever got back to Ireland again. I don't suppose for one minute that Ms Hall has read it. I am sick and tired of these people who are daft enough to think we should be feeling guilty about something we put an end to more than 200 years ago. What a pity we can't say the same for the Arabs aka Muslims"
[comment at source].

"But we mustn't criticise Arabs, must we?"  /  "Attacking the evils of Islam is way too dangerous"
[comments at source].

Abolition and White Guilt

"Has this 'feminist historian' ... ever heard of William Wilberforce and the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833?"  /  "If she's such a great historian then she'll know about the instrumental role the UK played in trying to abolish slavery ... her article however, makes no mention of this. Nor of the sacrifice made by many British sailors of the West Africa Squadron who she dishonours with her hateful ideology"
[comments at source].

"The people who constantly raise white guilt about slavery know full well that Muslims and Africans were the principle drivers of slavery both before and after whites were involved"  /  "Slavery was abolished by the British people"  /  "Stop whining about the people who actually stopped practicing it"  /  "Although we abolished world slavery, and then saved them all when we spent the wealth of 150 years of empire defeating the Nazis, we will never be given one iota of credit for it. The fact of the matter is that there has only even been one reasonably benevolent empire in the history of the world, namely the British Empire"
[comments at source].

"Slavery was not ended by the current heroes of the Left, but by the Christian Church, the Royal Navy, the Union Army and the Republican Party"  /  "The people who ended slavery were White Christians"  /  "No nation on Earth did more to stamp out the slave trade than the UK. Sick of this revisionist c**p"  /  "Rather than scourging ourselves with inexpugnable guilt, White Britons should be proud of our ancestors' actions in ending the mass enslavement of Africans by other Africans and Arabs"
[comments at source].

"Abolition and what that represents is to be overlooked. The fact that the navy patrolled to stamp out the trade must be forgotten. These are things that do not invoke a sense of guilt or shame"  /  "Abolition doesn't invoke a sense of guilt or shame, does it"  /  "They only bring this up to instil guilt where there should be pride, because those who feel guilty do not act in their best interests"
[comments at source].

"[W]hy has practically all of Western Civ gone on a guilt trip over what happened 150 or more years ago, and was practiced by Arabs, Turks, and Africans themselves?"  /  "What's past is past. No reparations and no white guilt. We weren't there and there are enough things put in place to represent this from ever occurring"  /  "Their deliberately wicked, guilt-inducing behaviour has nothing to do with morality and everything to do with destroying the West, as leftists have always wanted to do. These evil fanatics are well aware there can never be a Communist revolution driven by happy people, so they seek social chaos instead. Unfortunately for us, such people now run the UN, the EU, the civil service, the media and the educational establishments. Without a genuine counter-revolution waged by us, they will succeed in their aims"
[comments at source].

Slavery Still Ongoing Today

"Slavery does exist now, but it isn't, and never has been, the preserve of only one race. Human beings have been issued as a commodity for millennia and perhaps they should focus on current examples rather than poking about in the history books in an arbitrary fashion to give a distorted picture. Does the Guardian prefer to deal in news hundreds of years old than what is happening today because it doesn't suit their agenda?"
[comments at source].

"Today who participates in slavery????  Only the Muslim countries. No one in the West does!"  /  "It is still being practiced now, in parts of Africa and Asia"  /  "Slavery still exists in Africa, India and the Middle East"  /  "It is still legal and a going concern in the Islamic world"  /  "Muslims still practice slavery"  /  "and how do they explain the fact that Africans are STILL taking and selling slaves"  /  "Slavery is alive and well in many Islamic countries today. The Guardian should have their Journalism card pulled"  /  "The slave trade is alive and well and living in Moslem states the world over. Look to your favoured race 'Mr Guardian'"  /  "I suggest the Guardian move out of England and set up their headquarters in, say Uganda or Somalia"
[comments at source].

"Due to enrichment, domestic, sexual, forced labour and child slavery is alive, well and on the increase in the UK too"  /  "All those muslims they're so hot to let in [to our countries] take and sell women slaves"  /  "Perhaps the Guardian might like to draw comparisons with the Muslim gangs in the UK that have been peddling under age girls for sex, to give their article a modern resonance"
[comments at source].

Multiculturalism, Racism, Hate Crimes

"The Guardian is all for slavery in the form of Communism that enslaved half of Europe for 50 years. Catherine Hall, a Marxist, is all for slavery that currently runs North Korea and China. This just shows the hypocrisy of the Left ... And because of Catherine Hall, it is returning to Britain in the form of Multiculturalism, just look at all the recent slavery trials"
[comment at source].

"Hilarious she lists crimes against Muslims as being the legacy of slavery... who does she think took the majority of slaves from Africa exactly? It wasn't white people"  /  "Slavery has been endemic in Africa and the Middle East for hundreds of years; thousands of blacks and Arab people were involved in the slave trade - presumably they also have attitudes of superiority and dehumanise other races then?"  /  "[W]hat of Islamic slavery - which is permitted in their book of hate? Nothing to say on that or the treatment of Yazidi and Christian women?"
[comments at source].

"Yet more psycho-babble and fuzzy logic from the Commissars of Correctness. So if whites hated blacks so much, why did they abolish slavery in the first place?"  /  "[W]hite middle-class Leftists such as this writer chose to take a very narrow and selective reading of history, and to hound white Brits on the basis of her fallacious findings. Now if that isn't racism, I don't know what is"  /  "Slavery is a much wider issue than simply black/white"  /  "When is someone going to point out that all these 'leaders' or persons in positions of power are nothing more than anti-white racists"
[comments at source].

"So here I am, a normal British citizen who admits to being one of the 17.4 million who voted to leave the EU in June yet it now appears I am an unwitting supporter of the slave trade. Amazing... if you want to know all those things about yourself that were hidden deep in your psyche, buy a copy of the Grauniad. I would be insulted if its ideas weren't so laughable"  /   "Are we really to believe that all the hate crime directed toward Nigel Farage and many others of such political persuasion, myself included ... is the result of our participation in slavery? Who'd a think it!"  /   "No, it's the result of you attempting to run away from your EU plantation!  REMAIN, you slave!!"
[comments at source].

"I seem to remember a fairly common story about some stubborn Egyptians that had slaves until this long-haired hippy-type dude from the desert gave them a 'Let my people go' rap. Blacks aren't the only 'face' of slavery you know"  /   "The problem with the slavery issue is that it minimises the victimisation of the ordinary white population who endured slavery over a much longer period than blacks. When you turn the argument into a race issue and propaganda, you lose credibility and any right to call yourself a historian"
[comments at source].

Politically Correct Revisionism and Made-Up History

"So, Catherine Hall - feminist historian - works at uber safe-space UCL, quelle surprise"  /  "Feminism has nothing to do with it except in advertising her own political bias"  /  "Note the inverted commas, implying that British history is only so-called and not a thing, thus completely open to any and every kind of rewriting no matter how lunatic"   /   "Falsifying history is what they do"  /  "Honestly, what a load of historically illiterate tosh"  /  "Her view of history is the standard 'comic book' version peddled by those who can't be bothered to perform any research themselves"
[comments at source].

"The idea that white people introduced and had the monopoly on slavery is simply untrue. I would welcome an honest version of events to be taught"  /  "As would we all. But revisionism is the order of the (academic) day"  /  "[Slavery] is an interesting area of historical research, but it fails when political activists try to use it for political propaganda purposes and particularly when poorly educated historians peddle their ignorance"
[comments at source].

"[Catherine Hall says this is an] 'overlooked period of British history'? It's just about the only period of British history taught in state schools. More proof that Academia is the first and last refuge of the low IQ SJW"  /  "Catherine Hall is a c**p historian and journalist. Slavery and colonialism is not 'an overlooked' period of history; it is taught in most schools in Britain and at great length. Modern school history books are slanted towards the 'evil British' approach to the subject"
[comments at source].

"Ok. I was taught in History that you had Primary Sources and Secondary Sources. And that facts may be put together from these to support an hypothesis. One Source does not evidence make! If she can't get her facts straight for recent times with ample verifiable sources how can she possibly fare well with past times. This is a Professor of long standing? Maybe she's just no good at 'contemporary' history"  /  "Please someone!  Tell me how you figure you can get a better education at Cambridge or Oxford with souls like this spouting this claptrap?"  /  "Once again selective history retelling from this attention seeking journo"
[comments at source].

"This article really was peak Guardian. It was so execrably bad it was embarrassing"  /  "This entire era of anti-white, anti-common sense has reached the absurd"  /  "Everyday, I wonder how it can possibly get any worse and everyday I'm shocked by another example of absurdity"
[comments at source].

"The comments underneath the Guardian article give you hope for the future. The article and its made up history were eviscerated"  /  "Note how [Catherine Hall] is humiliated by the well-written refutations below the line. The comments are far superior to [her] article, and given that they reject the politically correct interpretation of history foisted on us by the left, that is extraordinary - Guardian readers are rejecting some of the central planks of Guardian thought. The significance of this revolt should not be under-estimated"
[comments at source].



"Will the Egyptians be paying off the Israelites for enslaving them?"

"As soon as the Arabs compensate us for the white slave trade, we can pay off the blacks ... we would have to deduct the cost of buying the blacks from the Arabs"  /  "An interesting point to note: the Arab world has cunningly avoided having to pay about about a millennia and a half's worth of compensation by turning most of their African slaves into Eunuchs. It's almost as if they were covering their tracks"
[comments at source].

"The reparations debate has begun, and its ambit might be wide-ranging. In 2009, the Civil Rights Congress of Nigeria wrote an open letter to African chieftains calling for an apology for their role in the Atlantic slave-trade: 'We cannot continue to blame the white man, as Africans, particularly the traditional rulers, are not blameless. In view of the fact that the Americans and Europe have accepted the cruelty of their roles and have forcefully apologised, it would be logical, reasonable and humbling, if African traditional rulers accept blame and formally apologise to the descendants of the victims of their collaborative and exploitative slave [sic]'."

"If British slave owners got £16.5b compensation I want compensation as the descendant of a victim of the greatest crime in human history"
[Lee Jasper, quoted at source]  /  "To claim 'compensation' for ills suffered seem to be quite the thing today. Lee Jasper claims compensation for the 'greatest crime in human history' (his words). The 'greatest crime in human history' was the flogging until near death, the public humiliation, and the subsequent crucifixion of the only sinless person ever to walk this planet. Did He claim compensation? No! He gave His life as a sin offering for us so that we might gain eternal live and be reconciled with His Father in Heaven" [comment at source].


The Bible and Slavery

"God did not order the institution of slavery. He simply provided his people with some guidelines on an already existing institution. And those guidelines ... greatly humanised the condition of slaves. And as other commentators have rightly argued, slavery was quite a complex situation in the Ancient Near East, and there were many different versions of it. There were even voluntary forms of slavery. When poor Hebrews, for example, got stuck financially, selling themselves as indentured servants was often a godsend: a way to get out of debt and protect the family. Thus slavery then was quite different from modern forms of slavery"
[author's comment at source].

"Slavery in the Old Testament was somewhat complex, and care is needed in order to make proper nuanced distinctions. But one point worth repeating is that for many Hebrews, slavery was voluntary indentured servitude. To work off a debt and/or escape poverty, a Hebrew would voluntarily become a hired servant or bound labourer. But his service had to end in six years, or in the Year of Jubilee (see Leviticus 25:39-43, etc). These and other humane conditions meant that slavery back then was much different to modern slavery"
[author's comment at source].

"[I]n ancient Israel the Mosaic law given by Yahweh required ALL slaves and ALL debts that brought about the voluntary servitude to be cancelled [in the Year of Jubilee]. ... One cannot name any other ancient civilisation that legislatively required the releasing of slaves, despite the economic detriment to the community"
[comment at source].

"The Bible does not treat slavery as divinely ordained but rather as reflecting the condition of man ... There is no endorsement of slavery as an institution; rather the goal of freedom pervades the New Testament"

"The apostle Paul specifically condemns slave traders (1 Timothy 1:9-10); he tells slaves to gain their freedom if they can (1 Corinthians 7:21); and he encourages Philemon to welcome the runaway Onesimus who had now become a Christian, no longer as a slave, but 'as a dear brother' (Philemon 15-16). Paul had exposed himself to punishment by sheltering Onesimus, and he makes it clear that Philemon ought to free Onesimus"

"[T]he Christians of [Bible times] were hardly in a position to put a stop to slavery. Rome relied on slavery, without them the way [they] ran their society would have to change completely. Rome is definitely one of the most slave dependent societies in history. Not to mention the critical fact that Christians were up against intense opposition at the time and were nothing like in power in Rome under a pagan Emperor"
[comment at source].

"Ephesians 6:5 ('Slaves be obedient to your masters') has a clear context, and it must be read in its entirety. Paul goes on to tell masters to treat their slaves kindly (Ephesians 6:9). And the same Paul tells slaves they may take advantage of release from servitude if offered it (see 1 Corinthians 7:21 and the book of Philemon)"

"God never instituted slavery. It is not His design for human life. However, because our forefather Adam sinned and rebelled against God, everything in this world fell below His standard"
[comment at source].

"The slavery the bible refers to really is not massively different to getting a mortgage. You willingly go and pay off your debt. Certainly, nobody wants one and owing nobody a debt is a good financial place to be. However, sometimes you find yourself in that situation and it is not morally wrong like the rightly reviled ethnic slavery that the various colonial powers used"
[comment at source].


Slaves to Sin

"In this humanistic society, we hold the happiness of humanity as the highest virtue. ... However, the Bible states that we are all sinners, and are deserving of eternal hellfire. We are born slaves of sin, whether we like it or not. It took the death of God's own Son Jesus to buy us back, so that instead of being slaves to sin, we can be given the right to become sons of God if we repent from sin and turn our lives completely over to God. No, the happiness of humanity is not the highest virtue - it is the glory and honour of God. If we truly want to honour God, then we will treat all humans, including those who may be obliged to us us, with dignity and respect because they are created in God's image too"
[comment at source].




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© Elizabeth McDonald