"Some day people will be able to think for themselves and
won't have to listen to everything I have to say."

Atmospheric / Humour / Stupidity
Silliness / Babylon 5 Humour / The Lex Files
Inside the Mind of Pete Halls / Pat's "Stuff"
Obscure / Suspect / Miscellaneous

For a fairly long time now, I've been collecting Quotes. Anything I like the sound of. Seems a strange thing to collect, after all, its just a few words but then again words can have power and meaning, other times they just confuse us. Especially when sentences come out with the words in the wrong order...

Atmospheric & Meaningful

"I long so to be mortal, to feel the suns warmth against my flesh, to have my children play at my feet. Blood, blood is all that I have and feel... the only way to move on."


The darkness always teemed with unexplained sound - and yet he sometimes shook with fear lest the noises he heard subside and allow him to hear certain other fainter noises which he suspected were lurking behind them...


"In the empty space - lucunae, vacuums, parses, voids, black holes - new things begin. We are born anew from the unexplored space, the badlands, the outlaw territory."

               Sam Keen

"friends are the chocolate chips in the cookie of life."


"Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve."


"Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

               Chinese Proverb

"I walked the streets at 4:00 am with only cats to bother me,
no other evidence of humans than the structures we build, it was very
cold but also very thereputic, try see what I mean."

               Ross Freeman


"Radio One live! - happening before your very eyes.

               Lisa Ianson, Oct 95

"Not all fatal wounds kill"

               James Balls

"I don't want your coke, I've got *REAL* alcohol."


"When I was in the first year, someone from Chemistry gave the rabbits myximatosis and there was all these dead rabbits running about.



"I am the hobby king and I am much better than a horse because a horse is rubbish!"

               Fist of Fun, Simon Quinlach

"Life is like a box of chocolates, all chocolatey and box-like"

               Lee Cullen

"Bother, said Pooh, as Cthulhu ripped off his head."




"Oh wow, the room looks different from this side round."

               Nathalie Winsor


"You don't buy the drink here, you only rent it"

               Toilet graffitti

"DO NOT LEAD ME INTO TEMPTATION!!!!! I can find it fine by myself"


"Did you call me a man with no bottom?"

               Detective, The Thin Blue Line

"The world is my oyster, and I cannot open the damn thing."


"If you laid all the smokers end to end around the world about two-thirds of them would drown."
"But wouldn't their cigarettes get wet as well?"

               Alex Neale & Dave Latham

"Lock a thousand monkeys in a room with a thousand typewriters for a thousand years, and when you open it, you'll find a really nasty room, filled with rusty typewriters, dead monkeys and monkeyshit? What? you expected a work of Shakespeare? NEXT TIME ADD PAPER!"


"Hole's gonna be big!"

               Kurt Cobain

"When I go, I want to go like Grandpa, sleeping peacefully. Not screaming like the passengers in his car."


"I love to dance. It's like standing still only faster."


"I bet if you ever reached total enlightenment while drinking beer, it would squirt out your nose."

               Jack Handey

"Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day."

               Calvin (from "Calvin and Hobbes")

"Don't eat clowns. They taste funny."


"You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose. But you can't roll your friends into little balls!"


"It's like trying to get the shit back into the horse."


"Get a couple."
"How many?"

           Tony Hayle & Ross Freeman

"Consciousness: that annoying time between naps."


"Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else."


Babylon 5 Humour

All I said was, "This piece of Halibut is good enough for Z'Ha'Dum"


"Cannot run out of time. Time is infinite. You are finite. Zathras is finite. This... is wrong tool."


Sinclair on Minbar (from War Without End):
Minbari Aid: "What does the note say? Is it important?"
Sinclair: "Nahh." crumbles paper up. "Let's go get a burger."


The Lex Files

I know this guy called Alexis. He says the strangest things...

"My name is Alexis, I am male (yes that is right alexis is a blokes name) Ich bin 19 jahr alt and i haben geshwister and they are lame 'tards."

"[Eville] ... fell off the amphithere at wall hall bar (it's at the watford campus). [...] was most amuzing and boy did we laugh."

"i hate loseing stuff, it puts me into psychotic mood swings and i want to run around with a big metal pole and hit people. I don't do this because I don't know how good telnet connections i coud get from a mental hospital or prison."

"I AM SO GOOD AT EXPRESSING feelings, bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum"

"Mood swings suck, i keep falling off mine it is to slippery"

"paranoia bites me on the arse, i turn and look at it confused"

"I can't help it. I've been downstairs."

"Then we get in the Rolls, and start whipping the gerbils."

Inside the Mind of Pete Halls

I also know this one. They say he's sick but I don't believe it.

"Worship cheese! It may just save your soul."

"I am Elite. Give me warez doodz!"

"What a perfect day for some German Opera"

"Oh look! Bunny rabbits! Aren't they *cute*?

Pat's Stuff

"A million tiny points of light, and one of them is home."

               Patrick Joyce

"I invoke the path and experience of completeness so that the unconscious part of my immortal mind is open to the present moment and I am happy by the breaking of all material bonds and horizons."

               Patrick Joyce

"I'm not paying 3.50 to look in someone's tube!"

             Patrick Joyce on the Astrophysical Society

"[It's like...] tiptoeing fairies with electromagnetic jelly springs."

             Patrick Joyce on some rather good music


"Look, Pete, I'm a flapper!"

             Earthworm Jim

"Get off there Harry. It's for the Bicycle."

             Alex Neale

"North is South when you're upside down."

             Mircalla Mordenheim

"Are you ill, Eric?"
"No, I a just tired"

             Eric Roberts

"To completely change the subject, I saw a really big woodlouse this morning."

       Fiona Richardson, after a community care discussion.

Mircalla: I can't reach the keyboard from my bed. My arms are too short.
Katla: so how do you type? using a ouija board?
Mircalla:nah i use my legs....
Mircalla:to walk to the Comp Centre...


"Let the probing begin!"

             The Tick

"Come back! We need someone to toss on the floor!"

   	  Paul Hoffman, referring to throwing people at Kung Fu.


"Where in the flatulent underpants of hell is abs when you need him?"


"Don't let your mind wander. It's too small to be out alone."


"If the Vikings were around today, they would probably be amazed at how much glow-in-the-dark stuff we have, and how we take so much of it for granted."

             Jack Handey

"If God had intended Man to Smoke he would have set him on Fire."


"Money will not buy happiness, but it will let you be unhappy in nice places."


Got a quote for the page? Email me!
Page last modified 14th Feb 1999 by Mircalla