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Some Commonly Asked Questions
How do I know if the products are safe?
All of the products while still in the research and development stage are exclusively tested in our F. D. A. approved laboratories in the U. S. A. When the products arrived in the UK it is a legal requirement that the products are subjected to further official examination by the MCA (Medicines Control Agency) who regulate a wide range of products, from prescription drugs to food supplements.
It is only possible for a company to sell nutritional products in the UK when they have been fully instructed by the MCA and deemed fit.
All of our products have been deemed safe to market in the UK by the MCA. Nutri-Health have not had a single incident whereby a customer has had any kind of significant problem associated with taking any products.
Can I take more than one Nutri-Health product at once?
All of our products have been designed so that not only do they not conflict, but they can actually help to enhance one another. For example if a person requires rapid weight loss, the most effective products to take our both Formula Power and Lipolean. This combination will work both on the body's existing fat reserves and also the food being consumed. If a person would like to detoxify their body, the best combination would be Alenol and Superfruit and Veg.
We have some customers do take 3, 4 or even 5 of our products on a daily basis, and will often take mineral and vitamin supplements in addition.
Remember our products are food supplements--how many different types of food do we eat in a typical day?
Why hasn’t my doctor told me about herbal products?
It is important to realise that many doctors do not have any formal instruction on the benefits of using herbal products. In fact, during their medical school training, most doctors receive little or no training on general nutrition! Once they are qualified and in practice, a lot of doctors are simply too busy to have the time to learn of the many and varied benefits of herbal products. This generally results in GP’s standard response to a condition being the prescription of drug, rather than some kind of alternative treatment. It also explains why some doctors are openly sceptical even negative about the benefits of anything other than a prescription drug.
Are the Products addictive?
There are no addictive components whatsoever in any of our products. Some people wonder if they are going to have to take the products indefinitely, and the answer is only if they want to keep experiencing the benefits.
How long should it be before I start to feel some benefits from the products?
For most people it can usually take between 2-4 weeks before some of the benefits are felt. There are a small proportion of people who will receive virtually an instant benefit, and at the opposite end of the scale there are those for whom our products may not work at all.
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