
Porta Vittoria
one of the town gates


Built in the 1580s this Italian town is the work of Vespasiano Gonzaga, his plan was to create the ideal city and base it on the ideas of ancient Athens and Rome. When Vespasiano died this dream died with him,and the town reverted to the sleepy little place it is today.


Sabbioneta is about 30kms north of Parma



Galleria degli antichi
(Gallery of the ancients)
Vespasiano's private art gallery

Under the gallery


The view down the gallery


The whole gallery is covered in frescios...


.....and tromp l'oeil effects


    Click on image above for some
     close-up pictures of the frescios


Chiesa dell'Incoronata


The Palazzo Ducale
contains fullsize equestrian statues
of Gonzaga family members



(left and above) Teatro Olimpico, built by Vincenzo Scamozzi, Palladio's pupil who completed the theatre of the same name in Vicenza after Palladio's death.

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