Issue 6
Winter 1999
Nine Fragments about the films of Michael Haneke
Violence and narrative forms in one of the most interesting contemporary directors
Never work with children and animals goes the saying... but courageous Audrey O'Reilly has just directed a graduation film based on her childhood experiences of hospital. Avril O'Reilly recounts the experience
"Light of Uncertainty"
First foray into the world of animation with Clive Walley's short film
Independent peeple
Peeping Tom's is now in its sixth year and the new team have exciting plans for the future. By Peter Smith
Flashback from a partisan filmmaker
"It is dangerous to step out of line - and lethal not to." A double-take by Lis Rhodes
Kodachrome - Origin of the species
By Giles Musitano and Michael Parfitt
Low-budget and short films at the 55th Venice Film Festival
By Françoise Pyszora
Independence: in a state?
Helen de Witt on the changing world of film funding
The 10th Short Film Festival
Amanda Casson has been working as Director of the British Short Film Festival since 1989, a year after the Festival was born. During the last nine years she has changed the Festival from a small event open only to students to a first class showcase of works from some of the best international short film directors
Brits in the Spotlight
Paul Gallagher continues to explore the world of screenwriting and answers a few questions from our readers
The French Shorts Wave
Jacques Kermabon, editor-in-chief of the magazine BREF, the only French magazine entirely dedicated to short films, continues our travel around Europe and the world of no/lo-budget and short films
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