Self Made Maniacs - Band Interview

1. Your new album's called Self Made Maniac. I won't ask why, as it would seem fairly obvious. What I will ask, however, is this: what has it got that nothing else has got, and what does it say that hasn't already been said?

It's got songs written with only ourselves in mind, dynamics, change of audio scenery, and it's also punk as fuck... honest lyrics about things that actually happened! And none of the songs sound the same.

2. What does it feel like performing as a four-piece, having been just the three four so long?

Dr Cushty! Jan has fitted in like a key in a well-oiled lock to a door that has opened up to a band that plays live like no other in the country.

3. How did it all start?

We were young, naive, and we needed the money, but that's all in the past now.

4. Who or what are your main influences, musical or otherwise?

Our mams and dads, because if we didn't do what we were told we got a jolly good twanking!

5. Who's better than you?

Nobody, they can all fuck off! Apart from Carl Fogarty and Kevin Schwants... (motorcycle GP winners, so they kindly inform me).

6. Go on then, let's have a list of bands that've yet to get the recognition they deserve...

Foil, Cleatus, 31 Flavors, Pohoda, Chicane (not the dance band), Brocolli, Hooton 3 Carr, U2, Led Zeppelin etc.

7. What is being in a band all about?

Eating good indian food, criticising people for jackets, slapping their hands, oh and playing music of course, for ourselves.

Well I can do all that and I'm not in a band! I guess it's the music bit that prevents that :o)

8. Do you ever wake up and think, right, that's it, I've had enough?

Do I fuck!

9. Why should people listen to your music?

They can if they want to, but you must realise that the band plays for ourselves, we write songs for our enjoyment, but it's a total buzz when other people join in with the whole live experience.

10. What sort of people come to see you?

My auntie Mavis came round last week with some lovely little fancies, and a flask of Earl Grey tea, mmmm smashing!

11. What annoys you?

When she forgets the fancies.

12. What does the future hold for you?

It's still got my Stir Crazy tape and I can't get it back, the thieving bastard!

Ah well, good luck with your retrieval of said item ,and good luck for the tour too...

Cheers Owen, you are the Lord of Kings!

Damn, I knew someone would find out eventually.

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