Hello. That's it, formalities out of the way, this is me... Or at least, this is a description of me. I don't seem to be able to lay my hands on a working scanner, so luckily you won't have to actually see me.

owee3.gif (27267 bytes)

Ha, I lied! Well, it's one certain way to reduce the hit count...

Real name: Owen (Henry, as in Mackintosh, is a fictional character, yet he has lived life to the full for the last five years. He's not old, neither is he very wise, but he's a nice enough lad, I hope you'll agree).

What I (don't) do: Study French at the lovely University of Nottingham.

What I (do) do: Listen to pile upon pile of music (be warned - can cause heaped piles), bruise myself at plenty of gigs, write a crap fanzine, and oh lots of other things that really wouldn't interest you or anyone else.

I also play the guitar and write songs. Badly. Do have a listen... (this, I believe, will cause severe embarrassment if anyone actually downloads either of them!).


The Fool
When you Are Not My Enemy
Not Getting Shopping

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