The British Royal Family page.


Charles in 2001

Prince Charles has been injured while playing in a charity polo match. The prince fell from his horse during the match in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, at about 1600 BST on Friday August 3rd 2001. The Prince has a rather reckless Mars in Sagittarius trine to Pluto in his astrological birthchart. On the day of the accident transitting Mars was trine his Pluto. Other aspects operating in August 2001 are Uranus square natal Sun and Neptune square natal Mercury. The Moon nearly full at the time of the accident was conjunct Charles' Descendant.

Previous injuries

In January 2001, with Neptune conjunct his natal Descendant and progressed Moon at the very end of Pisces forming a T-Square with his Jupiter Uranus opposition, Prince Charles fractured a bone in his shoulder when he fell off a horse during a fox hunt.

In 1990 he broke his right arm quite badly in a fall during a polo match. He needed considerable treatment over a protracted period.

Charles in 2000.

written 31/Jan/2000

Below is the astrological natal chart on Prince Charles (inner) with the secondary progressions shown in the outer wheel.

Most of Prince Charles's speeches recently (1999 to early 2000) have had a religious reference to 'the sacred' and 'the holy'. With his progressed Moon currently in Pisces until late January 2001, we can expect another twelve months of references and reflections to religious and spiritual matters. It seems that Charles is building for himself a spiritual identity and purpose. As a Scorpio born shortly before a lunar eclipse, now with his progressed Sun in Capricorn and a waxing crescent progressed Moon in Pisces we can, as astrologers, appreciate this building process going on.

The great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in May 2000 is opposite Charles's natal Sun. We could be witness to a major challenging event in Charles's life story. The months April and May are astrologically hard on his chart. He should be warned of possible accidents or injuries during those two months. There is a time in mid April 2000 when Charles will experience the double whammy of progressed Mars square natal Moon at the same time as Progressed Moon square Natal Mars. This planetary coincidence throws up images of bad timing and a rush of emotional force. Physical accidents or ailments could be the outcome of the bad timing mentioned.

Bewilderment and uncertainty have existed regarding his relationships for a long time. Transiting Neptune crosses his descendant in the spring and summer of 2000, a touch of glamour or mysterious dissolutions? There is something very difficult to pin down here. The progressed Piscean Moon, this powerful Neptune transit and his progressed Sun exactly squaring progressed Neptune in October all add up a deeply unfathomable and intensely confusing situation. Maybe there will be a clearer resolution when his progressed Venus conjuncts natal Mars and Progressed Moon enters Aries around February 2001. This is the time to watch you royal correspondents! In the meantime between the harsh events of Spring 2000 and the manifestations of Feb. 2001 we will observe the effects of an onerous progressed MC square natal Saturn in the Summer, we may see and hear very little from him, we will wait another twelve months for his new initiative.

We will be keeping tabs on the UK's heir to the throne.......Stay tuned.

Michael Harwood