The Daze


Michael Harwood


The Gordon Brown page.

Labour party chart.

The Gordon Brown George W Bush relationship.

written July 9th 2007.

The chart above is the 'astrological relationship chart' of Gordon Brown and George W Bush.

These two men are simultaneously in power for just under a year and a half because of the US presidential election in November 2008 when Bush stands down. It is in this context that this chart is analysed.

The Sun is rising in Scorpio on the degree of the Lunar South Node four days before a Total Solar Eclipse (focused on central East Africa).

This is an intense and purposeful relationship embodying wilfulness and the deliberate manipulation of power.

This relationship is in the sway of higher (fateful) powers in operation beyond the wills of either man,

The almost balsamic Moon in Virgo is applying in long conjunction to Venus. Saturn is also in Virgo.

The rising Sun sextiles Saturn.

This is an immensely pragmatic and practical relationship, very much focused on clearing up loose ends, pruning the roses so to speak, and carefully and intently 'bit by bit' withdrawing from previous mistakes made by previous power relationships. There is a wealth of circumspection and close attention to detail in this relationship.

The relationship chart has a preponderance of sextile and trine aspects. There is some ease expression here. This is in total contrast to the dynamic and difficult full moon relationship of Bush and Blair.

Mercury is retrograde in Libra applying to Neptune in that sign, but Mercury actually turned direct at the very end of the day of their relationship chart. (The midpoint in time between their two birth moments).

A relationship driven by high ideals and which acts out this 'about turn' symbolised by Mercury about to turn direct.

Mars and Jupiter are in Sagittarius.

There is still some potential however for military opportunism and misadventure. There is a stratum of 'nothing left to lose' in this relationship.

Currently in their 'relationship chart' progressed Moon is balsamic in Scorpio.

Their relationship local space Saturn line passes through Tehran. The 'Saturn setting line' of the relationship passes through Afghanistan. (The planet Saturn was aligned exactly opposite the direction of Tehran at Gordon Brown's birth).

Tehran and Afghanistan are 'starred' here.

This page may well be updated in the light of what transpires before November 2008.

Gordon Brown in 2007

written New Year's day 2007

The questions are:-

Will this man become the UK prime minister in 2007?

If he does ascend to office what can we expect from his prime minister ship?

The astrology of his chart in 2007 and its relationship to the UK (1801) National Chart does indeed suggest that the answer to the first question is yes.

The answer to the second question is 'potentially a powerful, robust and long-lasting relationship with the UK electorate and Government'. This man has a high destiny, but as I have hinted at, in the analysis of his astrological birth chart in previous years (below), there are astrological indications of 'tragic self undoing' and a karmic vacancy or a denial of fortune, which I have alluded to as a 'never never land' fate. He has however already influenced the economy of the UK to 'prudent' and good effect, (his natal Pluto is conjunct the UK's natal Saturn), soon he may have the opportunity to wield wider influence on the UK in a similar manner.

Astrological indications

Uranus currently in Pisces, Gordon's sign, has already been conjunct his natal Sun and will conjunct his natal Jupiter in March 2007, October 2007 and Jan 2008. Uranus will conjunct his natal Mars and Venus in the years that follow.

In 2007 the Full Moon on Feb. 2nd is conjunct his natal Moon. It will be interesting to observe the 'effect' of this one.

The Lunar Eclipse on March 3rd is opposite his natal Jupiter, oppositions to his leadership bid at this time I wonder?.

The Partial Solar Eclipse on March 19th is widely conjunct his natal Venus.

Gordon's waxing progressed Moon enters Virgo on March 28th 2007, squares progressed Venus in June then makes fortunate aspects to his progressed chart during the autumn of 2007.

The New Moon on Aug. 12th is conjunct his natal Pluto and the UK's natal Saturn. This one could well be the hallmark of his ascent to power.

The Total Lunar Eclipse on Aug. 28th 2007 is aligned to his natal Sun, his natal nodal axis and is conjunct the UK natal Pluto, a similar hallmark of power and destiny.

His progressed MC is conjunct his natal Sun in 2007. This is a classic indication of a major life change.

The New Moon on Dec. 9th is conjunct his natal Neptune on his Descendant.

The Annular Solar Eclipse on Feb. 7th 2008 is conjunct his natal Mercury and the UK's natal Venus.

Gordon Brown's astrological chart aspects to the UK (1801) National Chart.

His natal Sun is conjunct the UK Pluto.

His natal Mercury is tightly conjunct the UK natal Venus at 16 degrees Aquarius. This indicates an adeptness with the purse strings.

His natal Saturn is tightly conjunct the UK natal Uranus/Ascendant conjunction, really prudent!

His natal Pluto is widely conjunct the UK's natal Saturn.

The progressed Moon of the UK chart enters Pisces, Gordon's sign, in 2008. We all, on these islands, may come to identify with him, well for a couple of years maybe!

Gordon brown in 2006

written Dec. 28th 2005

Neptune has been conjunct Gordon's natal Mercury in March and August 2005 and the planet will complete the once in a lifetime transit on January 9th 2006. The uncertainty and confusion regarding if and when he will take up the leadership role of his party which has dominated the past year can be attributed to this conjunction.

In 2006 the major astrological influences are:-

1) the penumbral lunar eclipse (14th March) which opposes his Venus/Mars conjunction, suggesting personal challenges to his future. (The big Total Solar Eclipse on 29th March in Aries is close to the Labour Party's natal Mars, it could stir up a hornet's nest within the party)

2) Saturn is conjunct Brown's natal Moon on July 22nd, a one off hit which is almost bound to cause some karmic precipitation.

3) Saturn moves on to a one off opposition to his natal Mercury on August 18th, another setback at that time I wonder?

4) The two eclipses in September 2006 are conjunct natal Jupiter and natal Saturn, this is real big time stuff.

5) Pluto squares natal Venus on Oct. 3rd 2006, this indicates potential disappointment, there is something ill-fated about this one.

6) The lunar Node conjuncts natal Mars in early November 2006.

The one astrological influence which looks promising for Gordon Brown is the arrival by progression of his progressed Mid heaven to his natal Sun in the summer of 2007.

We await with mild interest!

The Astrological Horoscope

of Gordon Brown.

Gordon Brown was born some 37 hours before a Lunar Eclipse. The Eclipse itself is remarkable because it is the very final eclipse in its Saros Series. Take a look at the diagram below.

As can be seen this eclipse was a tiny grazing penumbral eclipse. It lasted less than 30 minutes. It was number 84 of 84 in Saros Series 103. Being born in the build up to such a rare astronomical event may confer on this man an important destiny. This is outside of my experience and we can all await with greater interest the unfolding of his life story and see how it relates to this 'end of ends' eclipse.

Gordon Brown has a Piscean Sun. He can be described spiritually as an old soul. (No pun intended). The gibbous nearly Full Moon at his birth was in Leo. It is natural for him to lead, he enjoys the limelight.

He has no major planet in an Earth sign. A Capricorn mid heaven compensates but he will need support from earthy individuals. Tony Blair of course is an Earth sign.

At the moment of his birth Saturn and Pluto were setting on the horizon of his birth place Glasgow. Uranus was on the IC there. This adds even more weight to the sense of destiny in this man's chart.

There is a 'mystic rectangle' and a 'finger of fate' in the skies at his birth time. More and more curious! Its almost 'Gordon in wonderland'.

The planet Saturn was aligned exactly opposite the direction of Tehran at his birth. Jupiter was aligned to Ridyh, Uranus to Madrid. It remains to be seen the part he has to play in the destiny of these capital cities.

In April 2004 Gordon's progressed Moon was at First Quarter phase in Cancer. This waxing progressed Moon enters Leo, his natal Moon sign, on 30th October 2004. A 'crisis in action' has been the hallmark in the first part of 2004, we gather from the news the impression of an ambitious prime minister-to-be, frustrated and hopeful, waiting in the wings, pacing the halls of Westminster, at loggerheads at times with Tony Blair. From October 2004 with his progressed Moon in Leo his need for leadership will start to reach a crescendo.

Neptune by transit is dominant in 2004 as the planet opposes his natal Moon in Feb., Sept. and Nov. This transit really does muddy the waters. Uncertainty, conflict, misunderstanding and mistrust may flow from its influence.

In 2005 Neptune will conjunct Gordon's Mercury in mid Aquarius. More glamour, inspiration, wonderment and curious destiny to follow.

Please return to this page in the months ahead.