The astrological chart for Liberia.

Liberia has been hitting the news headlines many times during 2003.

The independence of Liberia occurred some thirty six hours before a Full Moon. The chart is empowered with this 'approaching Full Moon' energy. The natal Sun was in Leo, the gibbous Moon in Capricorn was applying square to Uranus and trine to Venus. A 'finger of fate' is in the chart involving Saturn, Uranus and Venus. The natal chart shows Mars conjunct Pluto in Aries, Uranus is also in Aries. The elemental balance of the moment is towards cardinal and fire signs. The chart is of a fiercely proud and assertive and unstable country.

The progressed Moon is at Last Quarter phase in Libra in August 2003, reflecting a crisis of consciousness abroad in the nation this year.

Uranus is conjunct natal Neptune in March, September and December 2003. Jupiter is in the summer of 2003 conjunct Venus and Mercury.
