FEB. 28TH 2001

Described as a 'freak accident' and 'a set of extraordinary coincidences', this tragedy resulted in 13 killed and 70 injured. Time given by BBC News.

Mars and Pluto straddle the MC of the location in Sagittarius. Mercury (applying to Uranus) exactly rises over the horizon of the location in Aquarius. Uranus/Neptune midpoint is conjunct the Ascendant. Globally the Moon applies square to Neptune, and applies to a conjunction with the Venus Saturn midpoint. The tightest aspect in the skies Mercury sextile Venus form a 'finger of fate' planetary pattern with the Vertex of the location. The Sun is due East, below the horizon at the location.

The unusual nature of this event is symbolised by the exactly rising Mercury on the Uranus/Neptune Midpoint, all in Aquarius at the same moment as Mars and Pluto midpoint hits the MC. A unique moment in space and time. A weird and extraordinary series of coincidences. The Mercury aspects donate the 'peculiar timings of the events leading up to the tragedy, the Pluto, Mars input is one of momentum. power and force.