The UK Conservative Party page.

The astrology of David Cameron.

(written Dec. 27th 2005)

The chart above is that of David Cameron the leader of the Conservative party from December 2005. The time of birth is not totally reliable.

Cameron was born close to the astrologically famous 1966 conjunction of Uranus and Pluto in Virgo. With a Libran Sun, (and probably Libran ascendant) and a pleasant Venus in Libra this man comes across as a charmer. Women especially appear find him 'sweet'. Such is the Libran energy of this man.

His natural leadership quality is indicated by his Moon in Leo, and by Mars in Leo (not strongly aspected it must be said), his mind (as shown by natal Mercury in Scorpio) is penetrative and strong The Pluto/Uranus conjunction was opposed and harnessed by their opposition to Saturn in Pisces, ( a deeply compassionate side to his personality). This man is the new force in UK politics, his astrological credentials seek to revolutionise his party and maybe his country.

Jupiter by transit was conjunct his Scorpio Mercury in November 2005. This conjunction occurred as Conservative party members were busy voting for him in the leadership election.

Saturn by transit was conjunct his Leo Moon in September 2005, and will repeat the contact in February 2006, and in May 2006. This Saturn transit seems to have eased him into office and into the leadership chair. It is interesting to note that Saturn is conjunct his natal Mars (a single hit) in August 2007. At that time with a general election looming in the UK it will be interesting to observe what happens to this politician.

David Cameron was born a month or so before an eclipse season in the autumn of 1966. His first progressed Full Moon was a penumbral lunar eclipse. His following progressed New Moon which he experienced on 28th Feb. 2001 corresponded to the Total Solar Eclipse in Scorpio (on the Conservative Party's natal Sun!) on November 12th in 1966. This was a big one. Cameron is now under it's sway. Currently his progressed Moon is waxing crescent in phase, in Capricorn, she enters Aquarius on May 10th 2006 and will reach First quarter phase in the summer of 2008. A shining stage awaits him. This man's destiny at this moment in time appears very strong.

Between the start of his leadership bid in 2005 and the date of the next general election in the UK (presumably 2008 or 2009) there are a series of eclipses which fall on sensitive points in Cameron's chart. On October 3rd 2005 the Annular Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Libra made a wide contact with his natal Venus. His popularity was set on fire at that time at the Conservative party conference.

Another annular Solar Eclipse on September 22nd 2006 falls very close to his ascendant.

In 2007, the partial Solar Eclipse on March 19th is less than 3.5 degrees from his natal Saturn.

On September 11th 2007 another partial eclipse contacts his natal Pluto.

In 2008 the Annular Solar Eclipse on February 7th squares his natal nodal axis, two weeks later a Total Lunar Eclipse on February 21st 2008 falls 4 degrees from his natal Mars and then on 1st August 2008 the Total Solar Eclipse is conjunct his natal Moon.

These set of eclipses almost guarantee a cosmically busy time.

The astrological chart of the Conservative party