Two men, both Pisceans, both born with Full Moons in Virgo, are seeking to be President of Zimbabwe. Mugabe was born the day after a Total Lunar Eclipse, his time of high office is associated with seemingly appalling human right infringements. Both charts are shown below.

The Noon chart of Robert Mugabe.



Zimbabwe's independence reaches twenty years of age today April 18th 2000. The Full Moon on this twentieth birthday is an indication of a powerfully climatic time in the country's history. The news spotlight is directed at Zimbabwe. Reports at this time speak of white farmers being attacked, driven from their farms and murdered by 'war veteran' black countrymen. The country appears to be sliding towards anarchy and violence. Police and government, led by premier Robert Mugabe, appear to be standing by, uncaring, allowing the violence to proceed unchecked.

The independence chart shows a strong independent energy. Aquarius is rising and the Aries Sun is trined Mars in Leo which is itself square Uranus. A youthful nearly crescent Moon is applying to a conjunction in Gemini with Venus. Mars is conjunct Jupiter. One imagines a country fast to move to the future with defiance and an uncompromising stance seeking its own identity in a modern world.

There are three 'yod' or 'finger of fate' patterns in the chart of this country and a 'kite' pattern based on a fiery grand trine and a weak Sun Pluto opposition. A matrix of fateful planetary configurations bestows on this nation a complex evolution. We are confronted by a seesaw of a planetary arrangement. A young at heart country, symbolised by all the inner planets and the Sun and Moon in 'Spring' signs Aries, Taurus and Gemini, held in sway by older, slower moving collective and darker and more powerful outer planets in the 'autumn' signs. So the youthful aspirations of the country's identity is checked by the past and the larger continent issues. Saturn and Jupiter in Virgo.

Saturn tightly square Neptune dominated the skies at the time of Zimbabwe's independence. This is a harsh aspect indicative of the potential of much suffering and disillusion. Over the next few years Pluto will by transit complete a T square. Things look serious. Progressed Moon at last quarter in Aquarius signifies a time (2000 AD) of crisis, particularly in identity and consciousness of the nation.
