Up Dual Booting Check File System FAT16 to NTFS


Ways to Convert from FAT16 to NTFS in Windows NT4

There are three different ways in which you can convert a partition from FAT16 to NTFS.

  1. When installing Windows NT4, select that the partition on which you are installing the operating system be converted to NTFS.
  2. Run Convert.exe from the command line.
  3. Format the partition using NTFS, this destroys all the data on the partition in question.

Method 1 (When Installing Windows NT4)

This is very similar to Method 2. Except that security information will be added to the system files. No data will be lost on the partition that you convert.

Method 2 (Use Convert)

No data will be lost on the partition that you convert.

  1. Click Start|Programs|Command Prompt.
  2. At the command prompt type "convert %drive% /fs:ntfs". Where %drive% is the drive letter assigned to the partition that you wish to convert.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. When the conversion if finished close the command prompt window.

Method 3 (Format the partition)

All the data will be lost on the partition that you format. You cannot do this to the partition that Windows NT was installed on.

  1. Backup any information on the partition that you are going to format
  2. Double Click "My Computer" (or whatever you have renamed it to)
  3. Right Click on the drive you wish to format
  4. Select "Format"
  5. Under "File System" select NTFS
  6. Click Start