eddie izzard

if you dont find him funny, you're either american or youre just utterly humourless !



eddie izzard is my absolutly favourite comedian in the world. i find him so funny. i dont know why, tis just what he says just connects with what ive always found humourous - its like he just has a similar humour to me, but i suppose that is just a skill great comedians always have, an ability to connect with what people find funny.

i first hearing eddie's stuff quite a while ago - around 95/96 when he was doing things like 'cows' and 'Channel Izzard', i caught a bit of his 'live at the ambassadors' performance and found myself pissing myself laughing (not literally of course). Id just caught bits of him on tv and stuff and new he was a good comedian so when i discovered my dad was booking tickets to his 'Glorious' tour which was in november '97, i pleaded he buy me a ticket too, which he did! So the time came around and we all went to the show and we all found it SO funny, i almost died!

after this i just kept an ear out to hear if he was doing anything else, i even joined his mailing list for a while but it all got too much (my inbox was _too_ full) and i found out loads of info on eddie. Anyway, later in the year my sister bought the video of 'Glorious' and I watched it so many times during the summer holidays of 98 but i still found it SO funny, it never wore off on me. I even went to see 'the avengers' just to see eddie act (even if it was a shitty film eddie was still cool).

later that year i heard that eddie had done a new show 'dress to kill' in america and there was a video on sale. I asked to get it for Christmas and i did, which was cool, i watched it and found it very funny (not as funny as 'glorious' because this was aimed at americans). Then i heard about him doing a one off performance at wembley arena in aid of the princes trust, so i got tickets bought for my birthday (yes i have a conveniently placed birthday in relation to sheryl crow/eddie izzard!) and a few weeks later i went to see him with my mum and really enjoyed it. I found it quite amusing that hed cut a large sketch about the royal family out because Prince Charles was there!!! Anyways, my love of eddie continues, and ill keep on looking out for new stuff about him :)

Not only is he funny, hes rather attractive too. Not in your classic sort of way, its more the fact that hes charming and clever and all that and wears make up and clothes exceedingly well (something im still aspiring too!) - oh yes if you didnt know, he is a tv - as in transvestite!

Here are some quotes of his, some of my faves - of the ones i can remember at least +_+


"i come from europe....... where the history comes from"

"they sailed from plymouth and landed in plymouth.... how lucky was that!"

"weve been waiting for ages for monsters....... we havent even had a squirrel with a flute"

"prince philip, hes a card........ has a habbit of saying things like 'youre all a bunch of bastards'"

"Alexander is coming over the alps on elephants... are you sure its not a typo??, theyre coming over in their element??"

"I am Caesar, ruler of the roman armies and emporer of rome..... and in 2000 years i shall be known as a small can of dog food, for yapper type dogs"

"oh look, theres a badger with a gun, im sure hes going to kill us all"

"and the greeks left a giant wooden horse....... its inconcievable that the trojans fell for it, normally you'd leave a pile of dog poo"

"ands gods mum said 'god get up, youll miss the best part of the day' ........ ahhhh hhhhhaaaa, but i havent made the best part of the day yet mother.... box clever you see!"