for featured articles


Due to the propensity of computer journalists for using pseudonyms, several of the names credited below are not the real names of the authors. Apart from obvious ones like Guttersnipe and SQ Factor, others such as Sue Denham ('pseu-donym'), Terry Bulfib ('terrible fib') and Penny Page ('pen a page') were also fictional (mostly used by Roger Munford). Also, some featured articles were not credited with an author in the magazine, so they must remain forever unsung.

Issue 1
Guttersnipe 6 Sinclairwatch
Munford, Roger 11 Battle of the Tapes
Baker, Toni 17 Machine Code Breakout!
Mann, Steve 21 Go-Faster!
Arundale, Mark 21 (illustration)
Newman 25 (cartoon)
Baker, Toni 26 Moving Graphics of the Horizontal Kind
Anson, Mark 30 speech synthesis
Burton, Maggie 33 Currah MicroSpeech
McKinnell, Ian 33 Currah MicroSpeech (photograph)
Smith, Ron 47 Spectrum Soft
Adams, Stephen 58 DIY Spectrum Keyboard Buffer
McNulty, John 71 Broadening Your Comms Spectrum
Bunge 72 (cartoon)
Jowett, Alan 77 book reviews
Davies, Spike 77 (cartoon)
Manchester, Phil 96 David Potter interview
Issue 2
Munford, Roger 5 Frontlines (Spectrum sales)
Smith, Ron 11 Frontlines (Groucho)
Munford, Roger 15 Frontlines (Software on audio disk)
Baker, Toni 21 Take a Running Jump
Goodwin, Simon 27 The Protection Racket
Wright, Joe 27 (cartoons)
Lord, Mike 35 SoftROM
Beardsmore, Ian 41 Spectrolysis
Pennell, Andrew 45 Those Moody Microdrives
McKinnell, Ian 50 Sandy White (photograph)
Smith, Ron 54 Rumbles
Budgett, Henry 63 Getting Into Print
McKinnell, Ian 63 Getting Into Print (photographs)
Marshall, Gary 73 book reviews
Davies, Nick 73 (cartoon)
Dilwyn, Jones 78 Variables on a Theme
Manchester, Phil 96 Nigel Searle interview
McKinnell, Ian II QL User (photographs)
Denham, Sue II QL User - Sir Clive makes the Quantum Leap
Lowe, Quentin IV QL User - On Balance
Kewney, Guy VII QL User - Kewneat Emptor
Davies, Nick VII QL User - (cartoon)
Issue 3
McKinnell, Ian - (cover)
Monk, Gavin 5 Frontlines (Pacman)
Munford, Roger 5 Frontlines (Fuller)
Manchester, Phil 6 Frontlines (Prolog)
Smith, Ron 9 Frontlines (emulator)
Monk, Gavin 24 Misfires of the Year
Newman 24 (cartoon)
SQ Factor 33 Basicare
Adams, Stephen 38 Sexing Your Spectrum
Baker, Toni 43 Extending BASIC
Skrgatic, Damir 45 Plotting in 3D, part 1
Watkinson, Mark 45 Plotting in 3D (illustrations)
Goodwin, Simon 53 ZIP compiler
Brownlow, Michael 53 (artwork)
Mepham, Mike 60 Scuba Dive
Watkinson, Mark 60 Scuba Dive (illustration)
Smith, Ron 65 Rumbles
Smith, Ron 80 QL User - QL News
Smith, Ron 81 QL User - Around the Houses
Emerson, Hunt 81 QL User - (cartoon)
Lowe, Quentin 82 QL User - Soft Sells
Pennell, Andrew 84 QL User - Holy Structures ... it's SuperBasic
Guttersnipe 86 QL User - Sinclairwatch
Dewhurst, Sandy 89 book reviews
Davies, Nick 89 (cartoon)
Dilwyn, Jones 78 Variables on a Theme
Manchester, Phil 120 Grahame Daubney interview
Issue 4
McKinnell, Ian - (cover)
Baker, Toni 21 Through the Square Window
Adams, Stephen 25 Joystick Interface DIY
Goodwin, Simon 29 Music on Spec
McKinnell, Ian 29 Music on Spec (photograph)
Goodwin, Sam 29 Music on Spec (discovery, program & circuit)
Bunge 29 (cartoon)
Sleep, Tony 37 QL User - (cover photograph)
Lowe, Quentin 39 QL User - The QL Roadtest
McKinnell, Ian 39 QL User - (photographs)
Goodwin, Simon 46 ZIP compiler
Pennell, Andrew 55 Dumps of Distinction
Smith, Ron 58 Rumbles
Denham, Sue 60 Jet Set Willy
Pennell, Andrew 62 Jet Set Willy
Jackson, Peter 67 book reviews
Davies, Nick 67 (cartoon)
Skrgatic, Damir 70 Plotting in 3D, part 2
Watkinson, Mark 70 Plotting in 3D (illustrations)
Walton, Paul 88 Bruce Everiss interview
Issue 5
McKinnell, Ian - (cover)
Beardsmore, Ian 21 Spectrolysis: Channels and Streams
Bunge 23 (cartoon)
Budgett, Henry 29 Grafpad
Baker, Toni 34 A Chance Encounter
Bunge 35 (cartoon)
SQ Factor 37 bulletin boards
Goodwin, Simon 43 QL User - A Process of Philosophy
Watkinson, Mark 44-45 QL User - (CPU diagrams)
Guttersnipe 47 QL User - Sinclairwatch
Smith, Ron 56 Rumbles
Emerson, Hunt 56 (illustration)
Green, Thomas 58 The Quill
Goodwin, Simon 63 ZIP compiler
Flenley, John 69 book reviews
Emerson, Hunt 69 (cartoon)
Goodwin, Simon 72 Interace Zero
Manchester, Phil 88 Jan & John Peel interview
Issue 6
Storey, John - (cover)
Pennell, Andrew 21 Jet Set Willy - Hacking Away
Lane, Simon 24 Bang Goes Your Code
Smith, Ron 34 Rumbles
Emerson, Hunt 34 (illustration)
Holman, Ross 36 Sabre Wulf
Nicholls, Dave 38 Sabre Wulf
Barrance, Janet 38 Sabre Wulf map
Cornes, Phil 47 book reviews
Turner, Mike 47 book reviews
Davies, Nick 47 (cartoon)
Guttersnipe 51 QL User - Sinclairwatch
Surya 52 QL User - The Psion Writers
Sleep, Tony 53 QL User - (photograph)
Pennell, Andrew 56 All Change!
Baker, Toni 59 Graphic Definitions
Freebrey, Peter 62 toolkits
Goodwin, Simon 68 ZIP compiler
Manchester, Phil 80 Nick Alexander & Steve Webb interview
Issue 7
Watkinson, Mark - (cover)
Heller, Leon 5 QL Affairs
Guttersnipe 10 Sinclairwatch
Smith, Ron 12 Rumbles
Emerson, Hunt 12 (illustration)
Goodwin, Simon 21 Smooth Moves
Goodwin, Simon 33 64K Spectrum
Holman, Ross 36 Rapscallion
Barrance, Janet 36 Rapscallion maps
McKinnell, Ian 36 Rapscallion maps
Smyth, Gavin 52 BASIC at a Stretch
Beardsmore, Ian 57 Spectrolysis: Channels and Streams
Munford, Roger 72 QL User - Sir Clive Sinclair interview
Davies, Nick 72 QL User - (illustration)
Issue 8
McKinnell, Ian - (cover)
Pennell, Andrew 5 Hacking Away
Emerson, Hunt 6 (illustration)
Heller, Leon 13 QL Affairs
Adams, Stephen 22 Paging on Your Spectrum
Goodwin, Simon 33 book reviews
Freebrey, Peter 36 graphics toolkits
Holman, Ross 43 TLL
Nicholls, Dave 47 TLL
Leaman, Mike 50 MegaBasic
Pennell, Andrew 70 Microdrive file recovery
Denham, Sue 88 Mark Eyles interview
Issue 9
Smith, Ron 4 Rumbles
Emerson, Hunt 4 (illustration)
Torofex, John 12 Concurrent Affairs
Pennell, Andrew 10 Hacking Away
Budgett, Henry 52 Spectrum Speakers
McKinnell, Ian 52 Spectrum Speakers (photographs)
Smith, Ron 59 Joystick Jury
Willis, Roger 59 Joystick Jury
Lester, David 59 Joystick Jury
Gifford, Clive 29 adventures
Smart, Gary 29 adventures
Mackintosh, Neil 29 adventures
Shaw, Peter 29 adventures
Holman, Ross 42 Manic Mimicry
Nicholls, Dave 47 Manic Mimicry
Munford, Roger 36 Spectrum+ preview
Goodwin, Simon 24 Spectrum Spooler
Newman 26 (cartoon)
Leaman, Mike 31 MegaBasic
Denham, Sue 88 Colin Stokes interview
Issue 10
Pennell, Andrew 4 Hacking Away
Torofex, John 12 Concurrent QL Affairs
Cross, Nigel 12 Concurrent QL Affairs
Nicholls, Dave 14 Top Turkeys
Beardsmore, Ian 25 Spectrolysis
Pennell, Andrew 26 Interface ROM
Newman 26 (cartoon)
Bulfib, Terry 28 Codebusters
Phillips, Max 34 Spectrum+
Baker, Toni 39 Sprite Designer
Leaman, Mike 48 MegaBasic
Holman, Ross 52 Deus Ex Machina
Nicholls, Dave 55 Deus Ex Machina
Holman, Ross 57 Joystick Jury
Willis, Roger 57 Joystick Jury
Nicholls, Dave 57 Joystick Jury
Shaw, Peter 66 adventures
Nicholls, Dave 66 adventures
Lowe, Quentin 75 QL Microdrive cache
Denham, Sue 104 Nigel Searle interview
Issue 11
Samuels, Tony 5 book review
Pennell, Andrew 6 Hacking Away
Torofex, John 12 Concurrent QL Affairs
Hartnell, Tim 12 Concurrent QL Affairs
Bulfib, Terry 23 Codebusters - Heading for Trouble
Davies, Nick 23 (illustration)
Budgett, Henry 29 Touchmaster
McKinnell, Ian 29 Touchmaster (photograph)
Shaw, Peter 29 Touchmaster - Multipaint
Durst, John 34 Routine Errors
Gifford, Clive 40 adventures
Nicholls, Dave 40 adventures
Holman, Ross 44 Underwurlde
Nicholls, Dave 48 Underwurlde
Holman, Ross 51 Joystick Jury
Willis, Roger 51 Joystick Jury
Nicholls, Dave 51 Joystick Jury
Somerville, Chris 62 Spectrum Pantograph
Threlfall, David 66 Machine Code Commands
Denham, Sue 88 Mike Johnston interview
Issue 12
Pennell, Andrew 5 Hacking Away
Samuels, Tony 11 book review
Torofex, John 11 Concurrent QL Affairs
Somerville, Chris 23 Tuning Up
Holman, Ross 27 Joystick Jury
Willis, Roger 27 Joystick Jury
Nicholls, Dave 27 Joystick Jury
Holman, Ross 36 Ghostbusters
Watkinson, Mark 36 (illustration)
Nicholls, Dave 39 Ghostbusters
Gifford, Clive 41 adventures
Nicholls, Dave 41 adventures
Shaw, Peter 41 adventures
Wagner, Adrian 44 music utilities
Shaw, Peter 44 music utilities
Goodwin, Simon 47 Multisearch
Barrance, Janet 47 Multisearch - diagram
Denham, Sue 72 Joey interview
Issue 13
Pennell, Andrew 6 Hacking Away
Torofex, John 12 Concurrent QL Affairs
Baker, Toni 20 Big Deal!
Gifford, Clive 25 adventures
Shaw, Peter 25 adventures
Leaman, Mike 28 YS MegaBasic demo
Unwin, AJ 32 Microdrivin'
Bunge 34 (cartoon)
Rawstron, Craig 36 Hunchback II & Kong Strikes Back
Nicholls, Dave 41 JSW - April Showers
Denham, Sue 41 JSW - April Showers
Holman, Ross 43 Joystick Jury
Willis, Roger 43 Joystick Jury
Nicholls, Dave 43 Joystick Jury
Wood, Chris 53 Screen Scrunger
Newman 54 (cartoon)
Cox, Kevin 72 David Heelas interview
Issue 14
Watkinson, Mark - (cover)
Samuels, Tony 11 book review
Pennell, Andrew 11 Hacking Away
Pennell, Andrew 22 Microdrive file recovery
SQ Factor 28 Speed Trials
Logan, George 28 (photograph)
Nicholls, Dave 33 adventures
Shaw, Peter 33 adventures
Holman, Ross 36 Alien 8
Wood, Chris 36 Alien 8
Dixon, Martin 36 (map)
Nicholls, Dave 36 Alien 8
Bulfib, Terry 40 It's a Cracker!
Baker, Grahame 40 (illustration)
Holman, Ross 43 Joystick Jury
Willis, Roger 43 Joystick Jury
Nicholls, Dave 43 Joystick Jury
Denham, Sue 72 Tim Hartnell interview
Issue 15
Watkinson, Mark - (cover)
Nicholls, Dave 4 book review
Pennell, Andrew 6 Hacking Away
Somerville, Chris 20 Pic 'n' Mix
Somerville, Chris 23 Mastermind
Mansell, Dom 23 (cartoon)
Shaw, Peter 26 adventures
Page, Penny 28 graphics packages
Shaw, Peter 28 graphics packages
Choy, Chi-Yeung 28 graphics packages
Nicholls, Dave 33 JSW - Interior Decorating
Holman, Ross 36 Starion
Wood, Chris 39 Starion
Green, Peter 42 Hotheads
Heaney, Liz 43 (photograph)
Privett, L.A. 48 PLAY_ Explorer
Leaman, Mike 48 Sprite Magic
Holman, Ross 51 Joystick Jury
Willis, Roger 51 Joystick Jury
Nicholls, Dave 51 Joystick Jury
Issue 16
Samuels, Tony 10 book review
Pennell, Andrew 15 Hacking Away
Leaman, Mike 28 3D Daze
Holman, Ross 32 Shadowfire
Malone, Steve 32 Shadowfire
Nicholls, Dave 35 Shadowfire
Nicholls, Dave 37 adventures
Holman, Ross 39 Joystick Jury
Willis, Roger 39 Joystick Jury
Nicholls, Dave 39 Joystick Jury
Somerville, Chris 48 Flash Moves
Shaw, Peter 64 Hack-Free Zone
Issue 17
Pennell, Andrew 6 Hacking Away
Woof, Paul 11 book review
Baker, Toni 22 Interrupt Manager
Samuels, Tony 24 The Generation Game
Shaw, Peter 24 The Generation Game
Cockayne, Chris 30 Dun Darach
Samuels, Tony 32 A View to a Kill
Holman, Ross 32 A View to a Kill
Wood, Chris 35 A View to a Kill
Leaman, Mike 36 The 3D 3
Bunge 38 (cartoon)
Holman, Ross 39 Joystick Jury
Willis, Roger 39 Joystick Jury
Nicholls, Dave 39 Joystick Jury
Issue 18
Pennell, Andrew 11 Hacking Away
Adams, Stephen 20 Bits 'n' Pieces
Wood, Chris 22 Jet Set Willy 2
Johannes, Zareh 22 Jet Set Willy 2
Smith, David 22 Jet Set Willy 2
Pennell, Andrew 27 New ROM Antics
Holman, Ross 28 Dam Busters
Davies, Nick 28 (artwork)
Watkinson, Mark 28 (map)
Freebrey, Peter 34 The Fourth Protocol
Holman, Ross 37 Joystick Jury
Willis, Roger 37 Joystick Jury
Robson, Rick 37 Joystick Jury
Bern, Dougie 46 The Ghostwriter
Jones, David 51 Hidden Extras
South, Phil 64 Hack-Free Zone
Issue 19
Pennell, Andrew 11 Hacking Away
Beardsmore, Ian 13 book review
Samuels, Tony 13 Blast
Bern, Dougie 17 The Way of the Exploding Fist
Shaw, Peter 24 Frankie goes to Hollywood
Cook, Louise 24 Frankie goes to Hollywood
Wood, Chris 26 Sprite High, No Limit
Holman, Ross 32 Highway Encounter
Nicholls, Dave 35 Highway Encounter
Somerville, Chris 36 Second Opinion
Freebrey, Peter 38 adventures
Holman, Ross 41 Joystick Jury
Bern, Dougie 41 Joystick Jury
Robson, Rick 41 Joystick Jury
Pennell, Andrew 48 Movin' 'n' Groovin'
Hex Loader 64 Hack-Free Zone
Issue 20
Venables, Bob - (cover)
Wood, Chris 7 Hacking Away
Samuels, Tony 11 book review
Samuels, Tony 25 SamSynth
Bishop, David 28 Elite
Symonds, Keith 31 Shrink / Mixer
Cooke, Steve 35 adventures
Shaw, Peter 36 The Rats
Page, Penny 36 The Rats
Forman, Simon 40 Fairlight
Nicholls, Dave 43 Fairlight & Nightshade
Maughan, Teresa 45 Nightshade
Samuels, Tony 46 Out of All Proportion
Holman, Ross 51 Joystick Jury
Bern, Dougie 51 Joystick Jury
Robson, Rick 51 Joystick Jury
Hex Loader 72 Hack-Free Zone
Issue 21
Samuels, Tony 5 book review
Wood, Chris 6 Hacking Away
Samuels, Tony 12 Operation Caretaker
Phillips, Max 14 Spectrum+ 128K
Janda, Dave 33 Basic compilers
South, Phil 37 Impossible Mission
Davies, Nick 45 Rasputin
Holman, Ross 47 Joystick Jury
Bern, Dougie 47 Joystick Jury
Robson, Rick 47 Joystick Jury
Shaw, Peter 56 Rambo
Watkinson, Mark 57 Rambo map
Maughan, Teresa 58 adventures
Freebrey, Peter 64 Sorderon's Shadow
Hex Loader 80 Hack-Free Zone


Some helpful yolks who provided assistance on various topics,
and Your Spectrum writers (in bold) who have given support:
