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YS MegaBasic manual - The New Error Messages
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Eleven new error messages that'll help you learn from mistakes you make when using YS MegaBasic.
FX NOT IMPLEMENTED Linked with the 'FX_' command ... you've tried to use a call which doesn't exist!
ILLEGAL WINDOW This occurs when using 'CURRENT_' or 'FX_'; you've tried to use more than ten windows.
LINE NOT FOUND A message that occurs when using the 'EDIT_' command ... you've tried to edit a line which isn't there!
MISSING PARAMETERS You've not provided the correct number of parameters when using a YS MegaBasic command.
PROC STACK OVERFLOW You've tried to nest more than ten procedures or 'REPEAT' loops.
PROC STACK UNDERFLOW The procedure stack is empty and you've executed 'ENDPROC_' or 'POP_'.
SYNTAX ERROR The MegaSpectrum doesn't understand your input; this error message also occurs when the machine tries to execute a procedure definition.
WINDOW TOO LARGE This occurs when you're using the 'WINDOW_' command, when either the window is too wide and spills off the edge of the screen, or it's too deep and falls off the bottom.
WINDOW TOO SMALL Again linked with the 'WINDOW_' command. You've made either the width or the depth of the window equal to zero.
X TOO LARGE You've tried to plot off the side of the screen.
Y TOO LARGE You've tried to plot off the top or bottom of the screen.