VOCABULARY TABLE N 1 DESC 10 NORT 1 BIRD 11 S 2 ROD 12 SOUT 2 LOOK 14 E 3 GET 100 EAST 3 TAKE 100 W 4 DROP 101 WEST 4 REMO 102 NE 5 WEAR 103 NW 6 I 104 SE 7 INVE 104 SW 8 R 105 U 9 REDE 105 UP 9 QUIT 106 CLIM 9 STOP 106 ASCE 9 SAVE 107 D 10 LOAD 108 DOWN 10 MESSAGE TABLE MESSAGE 0 The bird flutters away and sits singing out of reach. MESSAGE 1 You've played this before haven't you? MESSAGE 2 <<< CLANG !!! >>> MESSAGE 3 God, that's heavy. LOCATION TABLE Location 0 You are in a vast hall. A tiny tunnel leads east. Location 1 You are in a tall thin cave. The only way out is west. Location 0 E TO 1 Location 1 W TO 0 Object 0 A Black Rod Object 1 A cheerful little bird EVENT TABLE LOOK _ Conds Acts DESC GET BIRD Conds NOTCARR 0 Acts GET 1 MESSAGE 1 OK GET BIRD Conds CARRIED 0 Acts MESSAGE 0 GET ROD Conds Acts MESSAGE 3 GET 0 OK GET I Conds Acts INVEN DROP ROD Conds Acts MESSAGE 2 DROP 0 I _ Conds Acts INVEN R _ Conds Acts DESC QUIT _ Conds Acts QUIT TURNS END SAVE _ Conds Acts SAVE LOAD _ Conds Acts LOAD OBJECT START LOCATION TABLE Object 0 at location 0 Object 1 at location 1