Below is a list of facts about Japan if you have anymore please submit them

The red disc on the Japanese flag represents sincerity and passion, and the white background represents honesty and purity. The sun has been a symbol of Japan and the emperor since at least the 14th century. The flag was officially adopted in 1870.

In Japan, watermelons are squared. It's easier to stack them that way.

Tokyo is the Capital City.

Christmas eve in Japan is a good day to eat fried chicken and strawberry shortcake.

98% of Japanese are cremated

Out of the 23,000 Japanese soldiers that died on the Guadal-canal, only 10% died from bullets. The majority died from fever, malaria and hunger.

Many Japanese golfers have hole-in-one insurance, this is because in Japan it is tradition to share your good luck by sending gifts to all your friends when you get an "Ace". Therefore the price may run into the thousands!!

The Japanese word For Beer is Biiru.

The Number "four" is considered unlucky in Japan this is because it is pronounced the same as "death".

The average Japanese Household watches more than 10 hours of television a day.

In Japan meat from the "Fugu" or spiny puffer fish is considered a rare delicacy, however the liver and intestines contain a powerful neurotoxin which can kill if there is the slightest contamination during preparation.

Japanese kids go to school 243 days a year

The zoo in Tokyo closes for 2 months of the year so that the animals can have a rest from the visitors.

In Japan there's a place called "O"




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