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  • U.S. President Calvin Coolidge (30th) was born on July 4, 1872. Presidents John Adams (2nd) and Thomas Jefferson (3rd) both died on July 4, 1826. President James Monroe (5th) died on July 4, 1831.

  • US vice-president Al Gore and actor Tommy Lee Jones were roommates at Harvard.

  • Victoria Woodhall was the first woman to run for President of the US. (1872)

  • Dr. Suess wrote Green Eggs and Ham after his editor dared him to write a book using fewer than fifty different words.

  • During a 1992 presidential campaign stop, Bill Clinton told supporters that he was going to visit Denver's El Chapultepec Jazz Club to see what it was all about. News traveled fast, and so many people showed up that the future president was forced to stay in his car.

  • During the Civil War, Robert E. Lee was offered command of the Union Army before he accepted his post with the Confederacy.

  • During World War I, Woodrow Wilson's Wife grazed sheep on the front lawn of the White House.

  • During WWI, Woodrow Wilson's wife grazed sheep on the White House lawn.

  • Each American President has had a personal piano - with the exception of Gerald Ford and George Bush.

  • Margaret Gorman was the first Miss America. She was 16 (1921)

  • When Thomas Jefferson became President, in 1801, 20 percent of all people in the U.S. were slaves. (There were 5 million people in all.)

  • Martha Washington was referred to as Lady Washington. Mary Todd Lincoln was the first presidential wife to be referred to as The First Lady.

  • William Henry Harrison (1773-1841) was the first US president to die in office. At 32 days, he also had the shortest term in office.

  • Martin Van Buren, 8th president of the United States, was the first to be born a citizen of the United states. He was born in 1782, 6 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

  • Murderer, John Horwood was hanged on April 13, 1821. His skin was used to bind a book describing the dissection of his body by surgeon Richard Smith.

  • After his death, Alexander the Great's remains were preserved in a huge crock of honey. 

  • Napoleon favored mathematicians and physical scientists, but excluded humanist from his circle, believing them to be troublemakers.

  • After Sir Isaac Newton died, a sealed trunk was found among his belonging containing nearly 100,000 pages he had written on the subjects of alchemy, astrology, and the occult.

  • Napoleon had conquered Italy be the time he was twenty-six.

  • Albert Einstein , who was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921, was honored not for his famous theory of relativity published sixteen years earlier but for his lesser-known work on the photoelectric effect.

  • William Howard Taft is the only man ever to have been both Chief Justice and President of the United States.

  • More than 100 descendants of Johann Sebastian Bach have been cathedral organists.

  • Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' cloakroom in the ancestral castle of Blenheim. His mother was attending a dance there when she prematurely delivered.

  • More than 14 million BIC pens are sold daily in 150 countries. "BIC" is actually a shortened version of founder Marcel Bich's name.  It was shortened because the  makers feared that English speaking people would pronounce it "bitch".

  • Most believe that John F.Kennedy was the U.S.'s youngest President. He was not. Theodore Roosevelt was. Teddy Roosevelt was President McKinley's vice-president. When Mckinley was assassinated, Roosevelt was 42, making Roosevelt the youngest president. John Kennedy, at 43, was the youngest elected President.

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