Below is a list of facts about Russia if you have anymore please submit them
Official name: Russian Federation
Capital City : Moskva (Moscow)
Area : 17,075,400 sq km
Highest point: El'brus 5,642 m
Climate : Huge variation, from subarctic to continental
Population : 148,385,000
population Change: 0.0% per year
Life Expectancy : males 64, females 74 years.
Languages : Russian
Currency : Rouble = 100 kopeks
Population per Doctor : 222 people
Time Zone : GMT + 3 to +13
Military Expenditure 8.0% of GNP

The country code for Russia is "007".

To buy a McDonald's extra values meal in Russia it would cost the average Russian worker 1 months pay.

Catherine the great from Russia suffered from Nymphomania.

Russians generally answer the phone by saying "I'm listening".

The USA bought Alaska for 2 cents an acre from Russia.

One in five of the worlds doctors are Russian.

Russia has the second largest military in the world.

The best selling candy bar in Russia is the Snickers bar


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