Facts about China


  • China's flag was adopted in 1949 following the establishment of the People's Republic of China.
    The large star represents the Communist party. The four smaller stars represent peasants, workers,
    bourgeoisie, and capitalists united in support of the revolution.
  • The national anthem is called "the march of the volunteers"
  • Less than one per cent of China's 500 cities have clean air
  • 1,800 cigarete's are smoked per personeach year in China
  • Respiratory Disease is China's leading cause of death.
  • China includes more than 3400 offshore islands, of which Hainan, in the South China Sea, is by far the largest.
  • Snake is a delicacy in China
  • In 16th century China, people committed suicide by eating a pound of salt
  • China has the largest military in the world.
  • The total area of China is about 9,571,300 sq km (about 3,695,000 sq mi).
  • In Chinese, the Kentucky Fried Chicken slogan 'finger-lickin' good' came out as 'eat your fingers off.'
  • China, the fourth largest country in the world, is big enough to have several time zones, but only has one.
  • The capital of China is Beijing.
  • The country's largest city is Shanghai.
  • The Chinese year is based on the cycles of the moon.  This is called a lunar schedule.  The Chinese new year is different every year, but is usually comes between the end of January and the middle of February.  A complete cycle of the Chinese calendar takes 60 years, or 5 sets of 12.  The Chinese calendar dates back to 2600 B.C.  It is the oldest known calendar.
  • The Chang Jiang river is the fourth longest river in the world. 
  • There are more than 40,000 characters in the Chinese script
  • more people speak English in China than the United States
  • There is a tea in China called "White Tea" it is simply boiled water
  • China produces 278,564,356,980 eggs per year
  • The Chinese built a battery that lasted 400 years
  • The Chinese Lettered goldfish has chinese charecters on it, it has been acheived though many years of cross breeding
  • Approximatly 98% of software in China is Pirated
  • The Toothbrush was invented in China in 1498