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  1. The X's that people sometimes put at the end of letters or notes to mean a kiss, actually started back in the 1000's when Lords would sign their names at the end of documents to other important people. It was originally a cross that they would kiss after signing to signify that they were faithful to God and their King. Over the years though, it slanted into the X
  2. Papaphobia is the fear of Popes
  3. Multiply 37,037 by any single number (1-9), then multiply that number by 3. Every digit in the answer will be the same as that first single number
  4. The Academy Award statue is named after a librarian's uncle. One day Margaret Herrick, librarian for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, made a remark that the statue looked like her Uncle Oscar, and the name stuck.
  5. Nova Scotia is Latin for 'New Scotland.'
  6. Stressed is Desserts Spelt backwards
  7. If you multiply 111,111,111 by 111,111,111 you get 12,345,678,987,654,321
  8. The term Cop comes from Constable on Patrol. It's from England.
  9. The collecting of Beer mats is called Tegestology.
  10. 'Zorro' means 'fox' in Spanish
  11. Even though it is widely attributed to him Shakespeare never actually used the word 'gadzooks'.
  12. Karoke means 'empty orchestra' in Japanese.
  13. In Chinese, the Kentucky Fried Chicken slogan 'finger-lickin' good' came out as 'eat your fingers off.'
  14. 'Dreamt' is the only English word that ends in the letters 'mt'
  15. There are only four words in the English language which end in '-dous': tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous
  16. The word 'Bye' is used in both English and Spanish meaning the same thing
  17. Pogonophobia: The fear of beards
  18. In Chinese, the words crisis and opportunity are the same
  19. The infinity charecter on the keyboard is called a "lemniscate"
  20. Good bye came from God bye which came from God be with you. So-long came from the Arabic salaam and the Hebrew shalom
  21. The word 'nerd' was first coined by Dr. Seuss in 'If I ran the Zoo'
  22. The pound sign is called a "octothorp"
  23. before Jets, Jet lag was called Boat lag
  24. The words racecar and kayak are the same both ways.Thanks to Leanna Olcen
  25. The word "monosyllable" actually has five syllables in it


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