Star organ of the month

The Pancreas

location: below the ribcage between the
duodenum,stomach and spleen
apperance it looks like a 12 to 15 cm long
stringy sausage which is 2 cm thick
How to keep it
in good condition
don't drink large amounts of alcohol
take antitoxidant supplements. eg.
vitamin C, E, D and beta-carotene
How you are most
likely to damage it
drink large amount of alcohol and
eat lots of sugary food
Can you survive
without it ?
Yes, you will need daily insulin injections
and you will need to eat a low fat low
(highly boring)diet. and eat
enzymes with every meal.
What does it do ? it produces insulin to control blood sugar
levels and produces digestive enzymes
What happens if
it goes wrong ?
you devolop diabetes and cant digest
your food
Worst thing that
can happen to it
you may develop pancreatic cancer,
survival rates are not the best

past star orgams of the month

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