Facts about the state of Colorado

State Flag :

State flower :

Rockey Mountian Columbine

State Bird :

Lark Bunting

State Tree :

Blue Spruce


State Motto :

Nil sime numine
Nothing without Providence

  • The state's name, Colorado, is a Spanish word meaning reddish colored. It was the name early Spanish explorers gave to the Colorado River, which originates in the state. When Colorado became a territory in 1861, William Gilpin, the first territorial governor, formally requested that it be called by the old Spanish name.
  • Colorado has 50 peaks over 14,000 ft. in elevation
  • Denver is the capital city.
  • Denver, Colorado lays claim to the invention of the cheeseburger. The trademark for the name Cheeseburger was awarded in 1935 to Louis Ballast, the Humpty Dumpty Drive-In. Ballast claimed to have come up with the idea while testing hamburger toppings.
  • In the early 1950's, Denver architect Temple H. Buell, often called the Father of the Mall, conceived of and built one of the first shopping malls in the U.S.: the Cherry Creek Mall.
  • Denver Colorado consumes less prune juice per capita than any other city in the United States.
  • Former Israeli Prime Minister, Golda Meir - lived in Denver, Colorado as a child.
  • The first license plate on a car in the United States was issued in Denver, Colorado in 1908
  • In Fruita, Colorado, the town folk celebrate 'Mike the Headless Chicken Day'. Seems that a farmer named L.A. Olsen cut off Mike's head on September 10, 1945 in anticipation of a chicken dinner - and Mike lived for another 4 years WITHOUT A HEAD. Mike died from choking on a corn kernel

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