Astronomical Links

Astrophotography & CCD Imaging


Video Astronomy - The main group for Video Astronomy and imaging

Dave Rose - CCD Imaging with an LX200 and ST-7 as well as some innovative home made gizmos. Now with AP1200 GTO

Wil Milon - A very accomplished astrophotographer - Lots of info and some fine images

Chuck Vaughn - Another accomplished amateur, again many images and tips.

Chris Vedler - Another amateur with great images and tips.

Adrian Catterall - A very accomplished UK amateur with a range of subjects and instruments

Rob Gendler - Some of the best images you will probably come across

Richard Robinson - Imaging using an 8" LX200 and a Starlight Express camera. Mr animation for astronomical images

Gordon Garcia - Incredible solar images amongst other things, moderator of the Daystar users group.

Will Maclaughlin - One of best astrophotographers around.

Bob Middleton - Yet another accomplished astrophotographer, with great images

Ray Gralaks - Another imager with some nice equipment

Theirry Legault - An incredible imager. From not ideal location he produces some stunning images

Todd Gross - Another accomplished and helpful astrophotographer. Weather info as well

UK CCD Imaging Group - A great bunch with lots of experience, and helpful

Nik Szymanek - Famous for his La Palma images, creates some incredible images as well as being a very accomplished imager

John Gretchens - Yet more nice equipment and some very nice images

Jerry Lodriguss - Articles - assistance Images - it's all here.

Rod Mollise - Masses of info and images from the mobile observatory



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