Prehistoric Sites


In many places throughout the UK and indeed the rest of the world, there are traces of our distant ancestors. Some of the most interesting and evocative are the Standing Stones & Stone Circles from the Neolithic and Bronze age periods.

Often situated in some of the most impressive countryside, these sites are both fascinating and intensely moving. Depending on who you talk to these are meeting places for ancient Druids, Beacons of Earth Energy, or even Landmarks for Alien Spacecraft.

Regardless of your views, they are well worthy of visiting. Some areas of the UK have more than there fair share of sites, such as Wiltshire, and Cornwall, others such as Leicestershire, have very few if any. Often examining a local ordnance survey map will highlight some odd stone sitting in a field which a little searching in the library highlights some local legend. Often these sites do not reach back to the times mentioned earlier, but they are still sites of great interest.


Sites that I find to be of great interest are: The Rollright Stones in Oxfordshire, Avebury in Wiltshire, the Men an Tol in Cornwall, and the Stones of Callanish in Lewis Island. These are but a few of the wonderful sites in the UK. Other sites not that far away include Carnac in Brittany - France. Here huge stone rows litter the countryside, a quite awe-inspiring display of Prehistoric construction.

Of course we have to mention Stonehenge. Possibly the most famous monument of them all. Unfortunately under the Mismanagement of English Heritage this monument has been stolen from the people of The Free State of Albion. They have spent huge amounts of money promoting this great site, and then complain when everybody turns up, and starts to erode it.

Obviously a major site for many years, Victorians met for concerts there, others went to pay respects to their ancestors, and look for meanings special to them. Now I am afraid that has been stolen from us. A fine site, but in many ways overrated - it displays a powerful presence across the barren Salisbury plane. For many years people have flocked here to celebrate the summer solstice, have danced, made love, partied and bathed in the presence of their ancestors. Celebrating the wonders of the universe and things beyond.

This has been destroyed for the people of this country by the authorities. One day the monument will be back in the hands of the people, not just a privileged few.

It is a fine monument, but do be prepared to be disappointed. You can't have your picture taken lying on the Slaughter Stone anymore. Best I leave it there.

Follow the link to the sites I have included as a taster. A recommended reading list is included as well.



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