Kingsholm Tenants


Present: Andrew Harley, Phil Mayo, Ray Jones, Sally Cripps, June Bettridge and Louise Beard (Gloucester Housing Services).

1. Apologies Councillor Paul James, Councillor Mark Hawthorne, Councillor Phil Beer and Len Harrison.
2. Minutes Minutes of Meeting of May 11 1999, were agreed as a true record and signed .
3. Matters Arising Railings: no contact from the police as to the safety side of the railings adjacent to 64 Sherborne Street. Will their comments.

Bin areas: The bin area roof at 11-20 Sherborne Street is still leaking when it rains, Louise to follow up again.

Anti-social behaviour: This is continuing although the last few days have been quieter - Justine to follow up.

Estate issues: Pigeon culling should have been carried out by environmental health, confirmed with Ivan Hughes. This has not been done as yet. Louise to follow up.

Cleaning of the refuse bins has been included in the new contract and will be carried out twice yearly. September and March. TCC agreed that it needs to be done before the summer and agreed to fund this themselves.

19-34 Union Street the bin was left out after it was emptied today and the rubbish went all over the floor in the bin area. Bins are still not being emptied on a regular basis. The matter was reported to GCS and the client officer directly by the TCC.

GCS have been parking on the newly re-laid paving slabs Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Reported to GCS and Andrew is to speak to David Clegg.

Door entry system: The TCC is dismayed as the system is still not right. Louise to follow up on ramp for 89-98 Columbia Close entrance.

A representative from the system manufacturer came down to look at the system and was extremely angry at what he found. 11 boxes were supplied that were water and fire proof and not one has been used. He is concerned that if anything happens the doors will not be repairable. The leaseholders will not pay for this until it is as per the specification and why should the tenants have to pay out of their rent? The doors are 6 inches too high and too heavy for the door closers. A vent was supposed to have been fitted according to the specification and it wasn’t.

Louise to refer these concerns to Shayne Hembrow.

4. Financial matters There were no matters arising.
5. Estate improvement Deferred to July meeting
6 Any Other Business Louise to follow up on the blocking off of the two ends (by fire escape) at Clapham Court.

Weeds are bad and need respraying, Louise to order via handyman service.

Concerns were raised over a flat as an electric fire is on the landing and internal doors (has the fire been removed safely?). . Justine to chase up.

Louise requested for a key fob to be programmed for the building surveyor and Andrew agreed to programme one this weekend along with one for the postman.

The TCC's Estate Diary is now on the internet website and has been featured in Housing Today and the Citizen.

Hazel Grey will be taking over at Westgate from 5th July 1999.

Andrew thanked Louise on behalf of the residents and the committee for her work over the last few years.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.30 p.m.


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