Kingsholm Tenants


Present: Andrew Harley, Phil Mayo, Ray Jones, Sally Cripps, June Bettridge, Len Harris, Hazel Gray.

1. Apologies Councillors Paul James, Mark Hawthorne and Phil Beer.
2. Minutes Minutes of Meeting of July 06th, 1999 were agreed as a true record and signed.
3. Matters Arising It was raised that a man was coming onto the estate at night to train his dog and was shouting.

Pigeon Culling: - Hazel to arrange with Ivan Hughes, pigeon culling for Kingsholm, however the committee then discussed the purchase of a stuffed model owl to scare off pigeons and the committee agreed to purchase an one to see if that would work.

Cleaning of Refuse Bins: - The committee felt that GCS were not interested in additional revenue, as they still had not responded to Andrew as to whether they would like to be paid by the TCC to clean the refuse bins.

Refuse Contract: - 19 – 34 Union St, bins not returned to correct place at the beginning of August for approx. 10 days and as a result the rubbish mounted up from the bin shute. The bin was left outside up against a wall.

Street Cleaning: - Kingsholm streets not being swept on a fortnightly basis. Oxford St was particularly a mess. Hazel to discuss with Trevor Light this issue. It was felt that the Council is not pro-active enough.

Footpath at rear of Columbia Close, by wall, brambles now very dangerous. Hazel to e-mail Trevor to get them cut back.

Sally said that the cleaner in Clapham Court threw water over the side of the balcony.

Extractor fans on first floor of Clapham to assist in eradication of medical smell – who should pay for this? It was felt that the Housing Revenue Account should not be paying - that the bill should be paid by the Health Authority.

Double yellow lines in Columbia Close, Sherborne Street and Alvin St need renewing.

Alvin St traffic problems – have to wait until Safer Cities are ready to look at it.

No news on road sweeping, or lack of it - Andrew will raise the matter at Environmental Forum.

Sebert Street garden – rubbish removed but garden still in a mess. Hazel confirmed that this was being dealt with.

Water pressure machine: - what’s happening now that Garden Machinery shop was closing down. Andrew asked for delegated authority if Tony sees anything in the Garden Machinery shop sale which would be useful on the estate. It was given.

4. Caretaking Andrew, Phil & Sally had a meeting with Norman Thomas on the 1/9/99. Andrew said that Norman said they are not getting value for money. Norman has told Andrew & TCC to come up with a list of priorities of what should be done. Andrew said Norman had said they should use this list to justify a second caretaker.

TCC are concerned that despite the service for Estate Service Workers, this has dropped by half since the start of GHS.

TCC wants two caretakers, as was the case prior to Compulsory Competitive Tendering. It was felt that as almost £50,000 was collected on the estate specifically for "caretaking" and was itemised on the rent point breakdown charts for each property the council had a responsibility to maintain a service. Phil proposed that they write to Dasvinder Singh to request the service they pay for. They had never had a handyperson service. This was seconded by June. Andrew said that the time was fast approaching when the TCC would have to raise the matter with the Audit Commission. He also said that the council was dragging its heels on the rent points review which was a "key task" four years ago, but had quietly been shelved. He had tried to raise the matter at Tenants Forum on many occasioons. However, there was to be a paper and a discussion on the matter at next weeks Tenants Forum.

Andrew to go through the contract schedule with tenant and leaseholder rep. To agree priorities.

5. Door Entry Issue over loudness of the buzzers. They can be heard more outside of properties than inside. At 3.00am one morning half of one block awoken by noise from a buzzer, in 15 –22 Columbia Close, when 2 girls were trying to gain access. Noise is coming from the panel itself. Hazel to e-mail George Ridd and copy to Charlie and Adrian.

Ramp still not installed at 21 – 30 Sherborne St, this is now urgent. Hazel to contact Adrian and Alan Wood to get further information. Is it going out to tender.

15 –22 Columbia Close, TCC cannot understand where these plants are located which are affecting the door entry system. Please can Steve Greening identify?

Suited lock – sub contractor has lost key. George has promised Andrew that he will sort it and replace the key - this was promised at a Tenants Forum working party in the summer. Hazel to chase George. British Telecom could not gain access to one of their distribution points that was inside a cupboard that had a suited lock on evening for emergency repairs. GCS were not prepared to open the cupboard that evening for British Telecom. Had the lost key been replaced, the TCC would have opened the cupboard for BT. Andrew said that the lack of a suited key meant that it was becoming difficult to programme key fobs when requested by Westgate office. Caretaker was not always available to open the cupboards, especially out of normal hours.

1 Columbia Close, door entry phone not working - Hazel to report.

TCC asked Hazel to provide performance stats when awaiting responses from GCS on door entry systems for the next meeting.

6 Estate improvement There was £5,000 to spend this financial year. In addition, there was £2,500 that might be available as "first reserve" on the central Estate Improvement Budget, but this had to be spent on railings replacement.

The TCC agreed to commit £4,000 from its £5,000 on railing replacement. Hazel to advise Neil and Neil to liaise with Andrew on location.

7. Any Other Business Light bulbs keep blowing in Clapham – on the stairs andthe landings- should we check electrics. Members expressed suprise as the lights should contain long-life energy efficient bulbs?

Union St – Shrubbery by car park outside 19 – 23 not being done by Continental.

Seat in courtyard at back of Sherborne House – Louise instructed Tony to move it back round the front about 21/2 months ago. TCC wanted it put back.

GCS left window of 52 Columbia Close open. Ray contacted Westgate and was told it would be sorted. Still not done.

19 Columbia Close - visitors climbing over the wall and dropping down through the slats.

Willow tree in Columbia Close needs cutting back. Also tree behind 1 Columbia Close needs pruning.

60 Columbia Close – patio overgrown & growing out onto Street.

2 Sherborne Street – garden overgrown.

76 Columbia Close – flat suspected as being used as a warehouse – P.C. Mike Horseman aware.

There has been numerous correspondence between Paul Smith & Andrew re ring beams & extractor fans.

Meeting finished at 9.00pm


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