Media goes Potty for Greek Harry

Whirlwind: Life has been hectic for Andrew Wilson since our story

THE former schoolmaster who translated Harry Potter into ancient Greek has gained international fame since appearing in Bedfordshire on Sunday.

Two weeks ago we reported how Andrew Wilson, former classics master at Bedford Modern School, had been set the most unusual homework - translating the first of JK Rowling's multi-million selling books about the boy wizard.

Since then his feet have hardly touched the ground.

He has appeared on local radio and television and in a Greek newspaper which, as well as a news piece, is due to carry a detailed interview in its Sunday supplement today.

A Canadian television station has been in touch, a Russian film crew was due at his home on Thursday and on Friday he went to the BBC's studio at Cambridge to record an interview for American radio station NPR which broadcasts on 585 frequencies across the USA and to overseas forces and has more than four million listeners.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone has already been published in Latin and dozens of other languages and the translation into ancient Greek, a language not used for more than 1,500 years, took Mr Wilson a year.

It is not due to go on sale until July, along with an Irish Gaelic version, but since our story it is already attracting a great deal of interest on the Amazon website.

Mr Wilson said: "It has been madness since your story appeared, I can hardly believe it. It's been very exciting for me. I'm used to leading a quiet life in retirement.

"There have even been suggestions that I should get myself an agent and start charging for appearances - though of course not to BoS since it all started with you."