the classics pages

[Classics Teachers' Page]

Classics Software

For Acorn Computers (Aietos Software)

Can still be run on a PC using Arc Emulator - there are several available. Search using keywords archimedes emulator to find one to suit your system. Both the programs below work well! (on my PC under the emulator). It's worth keeping an old Acorn machine for the Classics Department, if you can get hold of one.

  • !Latin
    - a vocabulary, noun and verb testing program tailored to either CLC or OLC. Can be used competitively by up to four students at a time
  • !Greek -
    a vocabulary and grammar testing program ideal for the independent student. !Input allows students to input their own vocabulary.

For Apple Macintosh & PC

JPROGS have an excellent range of Mac software - please contact Julian Morgan directly for a catalogue.

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The Classics Pages are written and designed by Andrew Wilson
Comments, questions and contributions welcome.