Minutes of Annual General Meeting held 12th January

1. Apologies: none. Thirteen members attended.

2. Minutes of the previous AGM 24th Feb. 2005 were approved.

3. Accounts. Rosemary Carthy presented provisional accounts for the period 1/1/05 – 30/11/05 which are summarised below:

            Initial balance    £580.62

            Income                         £505.24

                        Expenditure                  £360.80

                        Purchase of Extractor   £275.00

            Cash balance    £477.56

            Fixed assets      £247.50

            Total                £725.06

Despite the Association’s purchase of a honey extractor, our funds remain healthy.

4. The meeting voted to maintain the membership fee at £5.00

5. The amendments to the Association constitution proposed in the last newsletter were all adopted unanimously (see below).

6. The office bearers (George Barton, President, Donald Smith, Secretary and Rosemary Carthy Treasurer) were all re-elected without opposition.

7. Presdents report. George Barton surveyed the year’s events, commenting in particular on the large number of new members.

8. Correspondence. Leaflets from DEFRA on Varroa and Tropilaelaps are available at meetings or from the secretary.

9. AOCB. Efforts will be made to re-site the Association Apiary at Alderston for the forthcoming season.


Revised Constitution adopted at AGM

1. The name of the Association shall be “The East Lothian Beekeepers Association”

            2. The object of the association shall be the encouragement and advancement of beekeeping and the promotion of co-operation between local beekeepers.

3. The office bearers shall be three in number:- President, Secretary and Treasurer, these officers to be elected annually at the AGM.

4. A committee shall be made up of the office bearers and up to six further members to be elected at the AGM., five to form a quorum.

5. Membership is open to all upon payment of an annual subscription, the sum to be fixed for each calendar year at the AGM. Members who are under the age of 18 or are vulnerable adults must be accompanied at meetings by a parent or nominated parental guardian. Members may be nominated for Honorary Life Membership at the AGM for services rendered to the Association.

6. The Financial year shall end on 31st December each year and the AGM shall be arranged not later than 30th April.

7. At the AGM reports and audited accounts of the previous year shall be submitted to the members for adoption. The officers shall be elected & questions as to the government of the Association and any other competent business shall be discussed. A special General meeting may be called by the Secretary within 14 days upon a requisition signed by six members, the notice calling the meeting also stating the business for which the meeting was arranged. The President or chairman shall have a casting vote in the event of equal voting.

8. These rules shall not be altered except by a two thirds majority of the members present at the AGM, or at a special meeting called for the purpose. Any proposed alteration shall be stated on the notice calling the meeting.