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April 2007

Alan Pleasants & Susan visting
Niall Wallis and Family in Fuerteventura

Niall & Maria's House

Alan & Susan; Niall with his daughters

Alan; Maria & Niall with their daughters

Maria & Niall with their daughters

28th April 2007

Reunion Dinner at Giuseppe's Ristorante, Southwark

16 people attended this year's reunion dinner.
Thanks go again to Alan for organising the whole event.


L>R: John Pennell, Simon Procter, Geoff Coe, Ketan Patel

L>R: Tony Catanzaro with friend Haley, and Jacky Smith

Alan Pleasants, Margaret Rose, Jan Date and Peter Salter.

Joan (Peter's friend), Ron & Rosemary McGeary, Susan (Alan's friend)

John Pennell, Mike Smith, Simon Procter

Tony Catanzaro with friend Haley

Geoff and Ketan

Margaret, Jan and Peter

Alan Pleasants

Joan and Ron McGeary

Jan with Peter

Simon Procter



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