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Benchmarking Instructions


There are two versions of the benchmark file available:

  1. A self-extracting archive for Microsoft operating systems comprising of the Work Unit, CLI 3.03, the instructions, the results form and a batch file to launch the Work Unit correctly. By default this will extract to C:\TPRBench. After extracting this, all you need to do is run the runbench.bat file to set the benchmark going.
  2. A raw Work Unit for download by either those who know what they are doing or who don't use an MS OS. The Work unit is also available in a zip file along with the results form.

Only read the following instructions if you are downloading the raw work unit for use with non-MS OSes.

If you choose the raw Work Unit, then make yourself a folder to save it into then perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the following files from your existing SETI folder into the folder with it:
    1. key.sah
    2. lock.sah
    3. outfile.sah
    4. pid.sah
    5. user_info.sah
    6. version.sah
  2. Run the client with the -stop_after_process switch.
  3. After the benchmark has finished, complete the results.txt file with your details and mail it along with the result.sah file from the TPRBench folder to and we will include the result in the chart after a brief validation check as soon as possible