Wecome to the homepage of the Super Drooper Mountaineering and Caving Club, where men are real men, women are real women and yak wool jumpers are worn by all. Or at least some.
The Super Drooper Mountaineering and Caving Club (or SDMCC) all started about a year ago with a load of ex- and present students from the University of East Anglia meeting up for a weekend in the Peak District. When we were at UEA we were involved with a walking, caving and sheep molesting society called the Fell and Cave Club. Unfortunately the FACC went into something of a wild death spiral at the beginning of the '95 academic year due to circumstances beyond the control of mere mortals, so we started our own alternative club, free of the various university and union hassles. Since then the whole thing has got wildly out of hand and SDMCC now has over 50 members.
Here are some links to our newsletters, our long overdue and in fact unstarted yearbook and to a picture of our president on one of his more respectable days. You might even want to look at some stuff about Stranda which is where we went skiing a couple of months ago. For those of you who are interested, here are the e-mail addresses of most of our members.
We send out newsletters and other assorted junk every month. To subscribe to this, send any e-mail to our list server.
Alternatively you could contact one of the comittee types:
Jon Haber (el Pres)
Mike Simpson
(Keeper of the sacred funds)
Stephen Baxter (General
dogsbody and stamp-licker)
Roy Middleton
(Butt Hooker)
Here are some links to other stuff on the SDMCC web pages:
If you have any comments, questions or other problems you can't sort out for yourself, please contact me here
According to the Grand Number Yak you are visitor number since 30/8/96.
The space for this page was kindly donated by Martin (Steve's Dad).