Newsletter number 9

Dearest guzzlers of the glorious ale that is Super Drooper!

Blue-eared pig’s disease is contagious!

A quick run-down of the last, sad, debacle masquerading as the Drooper trip to Ystradfellte..... No-one went! Apart from five diehards, of course. It was really disappointing, but then you missed out! It was Ace! The cottage had never seen such a wild and wonderful Saturday Night Party Experience in at least five days... Time to proceed to things of a more positive nature (e.g. an essay on the history of llama farming in West Sussex circa 1925).

Jack Russell Terrier - Free to a Good Home

AKA - The Next Trip....

Alas, we bring glad tidings, details of a superb adventure in Northern Parts, to the source of that fine tasting, effervescent elixir known as Irn Bru. Yes the Grand Drooper May bank Holiday Scotland Irn Bru Tour (sponsored by blue stripe cheap cola it’s only 23p) to Loch Tay...May Day Bank Holiday

The source of the Amazon is in Stoke-on Trent !

Apologies are due for the lateness of the following articles of supreme importance (not to mention impotence):

  1. The Drooper Dead Trendy Ultra Cool Aesthetically Pleasing Tee Shirts of Lurve!
  2. The wildly wacky Drooper compilation album “Now that is what I call Bollocks”
  3. That fine piece of literature, the Super Drooper Yearbook.....

which brings us to.....

Reliant Robin GTi Sport £250 o.n.o.

Please send us any articles, photos etc. as soon as possible to Steve Feargal-Baxter. The lad prefers them to be on disk (Word if poss), hopefully not seven inch (double entendre inserted at will) and please send us a tape of your favourite mega hit, to Bob the Squatter address underneath.

Honey I’ve Microwaved the Bishop of Basingstoke!

Giz yer dosh if you ain’t paid i’ yet, loik (pronounced in a heavily OTT guttural Midlands moan). Dr. Simpson is waiting.....

Mutant Ninja Red Eyed Welsh Blackface on the loose

That all folks! See you in Scotland and in Cornwall at the end of May.

As they say in Namche Bazaar....

Big Yak and Fries please

The Committee

Useful Addresses (should you feel lonely and need someone to talk to)

Mike Simpson,
Flat 2, Minster Yard South,

(01482) 872201
Steve Baxter,
74 Berkeley Rd Sth,

(01203) 714905
MJ Haber,
c/o 2 Bramley Way,
Nr. Lichfield,

(01543) 433287
Bob S. Patterson,
1 Gescent Ct,
Park Hill,

(0181) 671 5526