The Bollocks Page

Aromatherapy literature is riddled with errors of fact, dubious statements and sloppy science. Of course we all make mistakes; it is a human failing. Many of these published errors, are, however, reproduced time and time again, often (sadly) because the individual reproducing the erroneous data has insufficient mastery of the subject to realise the fault in the original reference. It is the purpose of this page to begin to list out these errors, so that they need not be reproduced ad infinitum. This will be a long and slow task, but it is one that is worth doing. There is absolutely no vindictiveness intended in this endeavour, just a quest for improving excellence. Any visitors to this page wishing to list details of other published Aromatherapy errors, please send to

By way of an explanation of the title for our non-UK visitors, "Bollocks" is a very English word which can be used both as an expletive and as a noun (both of which are not in polite use). Used to describe the male testes, the word used as a put-down as in "a load of bollocks". This has a statement of positivity and finality to it that is hard to find in substitute phrases.

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