(April, 2004)

By N. Huntley

The subject of dimensions can be confusing for numerous reasons: 1) dimensions not only refer to anything to do with size, but also scope, and attributes; 2) they are fundamental to existence and anything more basic than our material level of observation is difficult to know about---our observing ability cannot step outside the dimensional framework at the human level; 3) dimensions are used as a mathematical and geometrical way of expressing higher space, 4) they are used (differently) with great freedom in the New-Age field, generally without having much idea what they mean, 5) the different methodology used between the academic system (point 3 above) and the New Age (point 4 above) in setting up dimensions can be confusing, 6) finally, dimensions not only frame spacetime but frame consciousness. This latter point is the aspect of dimensions we are mainly interested in here.

Firstly, it is important to note that academically there is only acceptance of a 3D external world---what we refer to as the material world. With this very limiting belief system, dimensions have reduced applications apart from expressing the structure of 3D, or provide a 'vehicle' for time (4D) and all the mathematical contrivances in the micro-dimensions of string theories. However, with a proper recognition of the nature of consciousness, which is grossly absent in current science, dimensions take on a whole new meaning---this is what we are interested in. The renowned philosopher, Ouspensky, in his book A New Model of the Universe extended a description of the 3D academic orthogonal dimensional analysis to include further dimensions, up to six (covered in the author's first book, Superhuman).

Most people might ask, why do we need dimensions? Or what's wrong with just an environment of one type of space? Science would give one answer to this and those that go beyond our materialistic science would give another. Nevertheless one should be familiar with the academic geometric method of defining dimensions before going further. This is covered briefly in the next paragraph.

An infinitesimally thin straight line gives us our first dimension. We can take this line and move it at right angles to itself and trace out a surface to obtain 2D. We then move this surface at right angles to each of its two dimensions, 1 and 2, to trace out 3D. We now have a volume or solid, say, a cube. This is as far as our perception will go, since we now have to imagine moving the cube (kind of expanding) at right angles to each of its three dimensions. (Note that when we say 2D or 3D we automatically include the lower ones within it---we might say third dimension but we are including two and one unless we specifically state the third-dimensional direction.) Now each higher dimension when added to the lower one(s) gives an extra infinity---an infinite number of infinitesimally thin lines will fit into the surface, and an infinite number of infinitesimally thin surfaces will fit into a 3D structure, etc. Thus there are vast spatial increments in these geometric dimensions.

Now according to the scientific viewpoint, since we have a body and perception that are 3D oriented we can only operate in 3D space, and there is no awareness of different attributes of the dimensions relating to particular focusses of consciousness, which are expressed in frequencies. This is the current state of education---there is no additional richness to these dimensions.

Let us bridge the gap between this immensely limiting viewpoint and the real meaning of dimensions by indicating that some quantum physicists and others are moving quantum theory in the direction of the presence of a unified field of energy that is being referred to as all consciousness---minute units or particles, billions of times smaller than subatomic particles. In fact this unified field gives us a beginning for the more pertinent analysis of dimensions and their further meaning.

On the basis of the unified field of consciousness everything is the product of patterns of these consciousness units---the units cohere to form waves and the waves form structures. This means dimensions are structures of consciousness. Consciousness forms frameworks/dimensions for its own organisation, qualification and exploration. By creating different kinds of guide lines and formatting for itself it can explore its infinite potential. One might wish to imagine, as an analogy, placing a child in a wide open space with a great deal going on, and as a result there are too many degrees of freedom to choose from. We then impose 'blinkers' on the child's perception to select avenues to explore. These 'blinkers' are our physical senses which select a very limited amount of information from our environment. This is what we do with the seeming infinity of consciousness' 'structure'. The dimensions can even be designed so that large limitations are imposed on consciousness, enabling it to explore evolutionary probabilities and play out the details. These arenas clearly contain space and time, but this system is quite different from the mathematical and inflexible academic method of dimensions, although essentially rests on it. Hence the infinity of consciousness divides itself amongst the dimensions.

Thus although consciousness (the unified field) is divided up in this manner but appears to us to be isolated linearly in 3D, it is nevertheless connected to its higher aspects, projected nonlinearly within inner space. For example, using our standard model as an analogy, the company organisation, the groundfloor workers are apparently isolated (linearly) but through the managers, executives and president, they are integrated (nonlinearly) towards the single entity, the president. In effect, higher dimensions always embrace the lower ones.

Since these dimensions set a template for consciousness and consciousness' personalities, then the nature of this dimensional environment is to reflect back or mirror the personality---the external environmental templates are part of the same fundamental consciousness but are objectified (separated) from the individual. One can see that the individual is not truly objective to the environment or the scientific experiment (see article The Two Hidden Stumbling Blocks Inherent Within Current Science). Thus the external mirrors the internal. Let us take a look at some of the characteristics of our dimensions.

The difficulty in observing dimensions is that one's mind will automatically keep reverting to the context of our already heavily-formatted consciousness. As an analogy, a consciousness that is moulded into the shape of an X can't have knowledge of that X since this condition is the basis by which other patterns within this are judged as neutral (a zero of 'measurement'). For example, if the X was inside a sphere (representing consciousness) then the sphere can measure and know the cross relative to itself, the sphere. If consciousness is being a state (dramatising it, formatted by it) and this state is the basic one in its dimensions and existence, it can't observe it. This may also apply at the highest level---Source. To know itself it must project 'out' its characteristics and separate them out to understand what it is. Let's pursue this more qualitative aspect, which gives rise to the need for dimensions.

As a consequence of this difficulty, let us initially risk a ludicrously simple and hugely limited analogy to bring the reader back to---if only in imagination---this fundamental format of consciousness (Source level) which hasn't yet got itself organised, so to speak. This state must be multidimensional and beyond spacetime and we shall simulate this with the idea of superimposing many colours (like mixing paint) so that each colour is spread throughout the whole. With paints, this would be a muddy brown; with the rainbow colours of light it would be white light.

We now imagine this Source of all colours, each colour uniformly distributed throughout the whole (Source), projects out individual colours, say, red is now focussed (from being merged with the whole) to a spot. In fact, one could imagine using a prism to split up the colours individually if this was light and not paint. We can now have patterns of different coloured spots, which have been separated out from Source, representing different phenomena. The idea is that this enables the Source to understand its nature---what its potential is.

This beginning state needs to be postulated as containing infinite (subjective) potential and probabilities---even in quantum theory we have the quantum reality of infinite probabilities. When we try to model this infinity, we come up with quantitative tools such as fractal analysis, and holographic, hierarchical, pyramidal configurations---which simulate infinite nonlinearity. (The reader might wish to link this with the article There is No Death: You Can't Die if You Try, stressing the initial sentient condition of Source or consciousness, in the New Educational series.)

Consciousness thus constructs dimensions/frameworks, which then feed back and draw out of that consciousness its many potential attributes to be experienced----structurally requalifying the Source which is then forever becoming in this manner. (Note that dimensions have been distorted and blocked, which trap humans in the lowest ranges.) To some degree, dimensions are personally rendered and form part of the individual's so-called hologram, giving their reality.

Now one will find that the considered total number of dimensions varies greatly from one source of knowledge to another. We mentioned that Ouspenski theorised that the number of dimensions of our universe was six, but note that this is the mathematical/academic system of purely quantitative spatial dimensions. In modern physics, string theories have 11 dimensions, however, these are minute dimensions of curled up micro-space and have no relationship with our above macro, qualitative dimensions. Some channellings refer to more than 20 dimensions and other sources up to 60 or so---these are the qualitative type, involving frequency values. The most believable system is that given by the Guardian Alliance (ETs), that our full time/energy matrix has 15 dimensions---5 universes of 3 dimensions each, first harmonic universe has D1, D2, D3, second harmonic universe has D4, D5, D6, etc. and each dimension divides into 12 sub-frequencies.

Let us now attempt a reconciliation of the conceptual discrepancies between the academic geometric dimensions and the 'New Science' (including the New-Age) spectral dimensions (or wave bands). It would appear that the only way of reconciling them logically is as follows.

Firstly, let's identify the geometric dimensions as 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D , etc. and identify the spectral dimensions as D1, D2, D3, D4, etc. Dimensional spectra D1, D2, D3, are dual counter spinning vortices and thus will be directional and at 90 degrees alignment to one another. Frequencies increase from D1 upwards.

Note that using the spectral or waveband analysis interpretation of dimensions enables us to repeat the 3D structure in higher dimensions but with different spectra. This is simply achieved by a different orientation within inner space.

Now we can say that our spectral dimensions (D1, D2, D3) will each be three-dimensional (3D structures) but follow the alignment of 1D, 2D and 3D. Similarly, each spectrum (and vortex) of D4, D5, D6 is in the three-dimensional structure (4D, 5D, 6D) with wavebands D4, D5, D6, and does not have to have further incremental orthogonality with the first three dimensions. These two 3D groups, 1D, 2D, 3D and 4D, 5D, 6D, as a whole, could be displaced by an angle (in general any significant angle) and they will be kept separate, that is, two universes each of 3D (with wave bands D1, D2, D3 and D4, D5, D6) oriented differently in the 4th dimension (our immediate inner space).

Let's take another qualitative approach now to aid understanding of the relationship between the somewhat extremes of the spectral analysis and the geometric academic orthogonal dimensions. Keep in mind that the dimensions are frameworks for the exploration and organisation of consciousness and they provide a gradient of inherent different degrees of integration. Although we shall describe one dimension at a time, realise that they all work together as a whole---each can't be isolated and will only give the component properties within the whole, which are then modified by the whole.

The first dimension gives consciousness a cycle of action (that is, the consciousness creates the dimension in this manner). Some state is executed then completed, even if it's only a single cycle of an energy oscillation (frequency). This could be illustrated as a circle. A point going round the circle eventually returns to the same place. Although it took time to go round, it is back to no time (there is no 'record' of duration in this first dimension). There may be countless circles of hugely different sizes (time periods) simply superimposed.

Without cycles there can be no existence of our kind. Fundamental consciousness (pure sentience) has no familiarity with sequence. Consciousness must be programmed (formatted) to provide the steps to explore itself---and to provide a form of evolution or ascension. Even space must be extended and held there to exist.

We must now introduce the second dimension to separate out the circles. This is a displacement of 90 degrees to dimension one in this depiction. We can do this by spiraling the circles. The point now returns to a different location, ready for another cycle of action and a new starting point, forming a spiral. Note that we are beginning to create time and space. These spirals are nevertheless still superimposed.

For the third dimension we expand the spirals out---now filling a volume but quite randomly. Remember this is only an analysis, it is not the steps of creation. The fourth dimension now brings continuity to the spirals, removes abruptness, chaos, opposition, creating smooth flowing actions, harmonically merging one spiral into another. It might be the smooth physical movement of a skill or whole event sequences that synchronistically fit together and aid one another to greater purpose. Organisation can occur amongst the parts/particles/events.

Our present manifestation of consciousness is such that we perceive 3D structures and think in 3D. Although numerous dimensions are needed to explore consciousness they are nevertheless interdependent and interrelated, as stated above. The structure of 3D gives us stable forms by means of the principles of counteraction, polarities and standing waves. Moreover, the property (purpose) of 3D is to 'expand' out the inner-multidimensional and nonlinear aspects of consciousness into a spatial volume in which no two particles can occupy the same space. And along with a time component from 4D, 3D enables us to learn cause and effect; to have time, and focus, to observe consequences of actions; to perceive isolated details vividly.

Now whereas the frequencies (energies) of the first three dimensions together encourage polarity, separation and ego because of their lack of coherence, the fourth dimension provides a higher frequency spectrum and continuity, including emotions and intuition, which are more holistic. The fourth dimension emphasises unity, bringing together the separate parts, and creating a continuous flowing condition, enabling the energies to smoothly flow through the dimensions. In this more 4D condition, the cycles of action of dimensions 1 and 2 played out in 3D will complete more easily without stuck flows and without areas of energy hung up in time.

As we utilise or ascend into (focus on) this 4D frequency band, physical movement becomes easier. We learn how to use the energy field system around the joints rather than applying excessive muscular effort (see articles on mobility and fractal matrix, etc.). There is a removal of mental blocks and an expansion of imagination---right-brain consciousness begins to assert itself. One can project consciousness into all points of view simultaneously, preventing all conflict, opposites can now be reconciled and a greater balance is achieved in body, mind and spirit. The 4D dimension of the learning pattern (behind all movements) becomes more expanded, utilising the 4D frequencies, enabling muscular actions to relax more. Moreover, art and music appreciation is easier. The interrelationship of the separate elements in a work of art can be grasped as a unity more easily. Also the ability to spread one's attention along short intervals of time necessary for music appreciation could be achieved without being as dependent on the hypnotic, repetitive effect of rhythm normally relied upon to achieve this.

However, although this property of separation in 3D works with the merging and unifying traits of 4D (emotional/astral level) and higher, which can penetrate and integrate the third dimension and go beyond it, the basic 3D nevertheless gives separation of particles, out-of-phase energies and non-resonant frequencies. In particular it encourages opposites and the 'ability' not to perceive another's viewpoint or suffering. This rather severe characteristic is available for exploration if consciousness contracts sufficiently into the individual and freewill allows it and loses touch with the higher integration of 4D. Also these dimensions encourage understanding by means of logic (though 3D logic only). For this logical condition to dominate, the fifth dimension---and they are all interconnected---with mental and structural attributes, can provide the augmentation of the 3D 'logical' approach, but this is dependent on the degree to which 4D is fully functional. If it is bypassed (with suppression of right-brain emotions, intuition and imagination) we have again over-emphasis of left-brain consciousness. Our present educational system is moving us in this direction of over-emphasising left-brain consciousness.

Thus fifth dimension relates to the mental attributes; is structural in nature but going beyond 3D structures. It will work with 4D to clarify and give control to the emotions, aiding the projection of emotions into higher intuitive states and knowingness beyond simple logic and objectivity, which only gives representational knowledge.

Further dimensions bring increasing degrees of integration in the direction of selecting the probabilities or paths which align more with the whole and the Divine purposes. Contrary to what might be deduced from this, the greater the integration, the greater the degree of freedom (and the greater the differentiation, see article on New Physics Principles and Inherent Laws).

Note that one can't blame the limitations of the dimensions: one tunes to the dimensional level corresponding to one's consciousness, which becomes one's reality. These dimensions are different frequency spectrums, ranging from low frequencies (rates of vibration of energies) to high, throughout each dimension and continuing into the next higher one. Higher frequencies mean higher rates of information. Frequency spectrums not only give us the whole field of radiant energy but also structures since everything is made up of patterns of frequencies (oscillating energy which when played against itself, forms standing waves and stable structures). The basic particles, as indicated by quantum physics, are continually blinking on and off. We can now see that this new physics system of presenting dimensions is not just quantitative but also qualitative.

Although we only perceive solidity in 3D, when focussed in higher dimensions, these higher dimensions will also appear solid, though with greater flexibility, such as in teleportation capabilities (in the higher realms). In fact as we go up the dimensions, as the frequencies increase and there is increase in integration and harmonic energies, the probabilities available for selection and experience becomes greater with accompanying greater range of perceptions. Space increases as with the academic system but because of the qualitative aspects it is more abstract, more part of the mind and consciousness and can be manipulated (there is more space but less distance). There is greater freedom of choice, more variety and possibilities; the dimensional frameworks are less restrictive as the responsibility grows.

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